Friday 3 March 2017

My Religion-Research Paper

A research paper, 2 pages long and with no certain word minimum, and no certain style (MLA, APA etc). "I" am to choose from any of the major religions from today or the past, and based on my "research" will answer these questions throughout the paper:

Origins- Where did the religion come from?
Founder- Whow started the religion
BELIEFS- (most important area according to the professor to my grade.) What does this religion think about God(s), creation, good & evil, sin, heaven/hell, eternity, and the end of the world (assuming that is addressed by the chosen religion)
Conversion- How does one join this religion?
Apologetic- (why do/would you belong to this religion)? <<< this segment is unimportant to an atheist"s grade, and i am atheist. I"ll list it anyways however.
Virtues- what are at least 3 virtues this religion teaches to its followers?
Main Characters- give a description, role, and purpose for 2 of the main characters found within the sacred scriptures of this religion
Uniqueness- what makes these scriputes unique from other sacred scriptures? (this section is optional)
Study and Prayer- why should a devotee study the scriptures of this religion, and how are offerings made to its deities (if there are any)
Rituals- what rituals, besides prayer, does an adherent practice as a form of worship? (optional)

Must be typed in Times new roman, 12pt font, and turned in as a hard copy. minimum of 3 sources required in the bibliography, with no specific format. bibliography must be its own page.
"signifigant interaction with other professional sources such as books, the Holy Bible or other sacred writings is a must". AKA, one of the sources must be the holy book of whatever religion is picked.
I have no real preference as to what religion we use as a basis for this paper. Professor is Christian Baptist, so maybe there"s a benefit there. Atheism is not allowed as an option for this assignment.

I must have a printed copy to turn in, so a finished copy would be emailed to me by 8 AM 3/3/17, so i have time to print. My first class that day is 10 AM, and the religion class is at 11.

Order of information on the title Page will be discussed when a professor is assigned. :)

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