Friday 3 March 2017

Educational Psychology - Create Lesson Designs for Any Topic

6 double space pages of content + 1 title page + 1 page reference

Choose a topic for a lesson and the grade level of students (optimally elementary-middle school) to whom you would teach it. Creative topics are okay but nothing advanced or crazy (I"d like to hear your ideas). Create two lesson designs for the topic. One lesson design is to be based on Bruner"s theory of discovery learning. The other lesson design is to be based on Ausubel"s theory of expository teaching. Describe the designs of the lessons and explain how each lesson design incorporates the theory on which it is supposed to be based.

APA style, page margins should be at least 1 inch at the top, bottom, left, and right of each page. Use 12 point calibri font.

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