Wednesday 1 March 2017

“Non-Pharmacological treatments for adult patients with constipation in an acute hospital: The role of Nurses”

The dissertation should include the following:

o Title Page
o Abstract
Summarise your work as a whole in no more than 300 words.
o List of Contents
o An introduction:
Establish clearly the aspect relevant to nursing practice to be examined within the dissertation and provide a supporting rationale which is based on your clinical experience or professional insights. Also outline and explain the methodology used for the literature search including any sources considered and parameters used to identify literature.

o A narrative literature review
This review should first establish the wider area relevant to patient care and subsequently focus on a smaller, more specific area.
Key terminology is to be explained as appropriate. The underlying theory and frameworks, as well as relevant and contemporary research, are to be considered including their underpinning clinical, psychological, physiological or social concepts.
Overall this review should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the subject area as well as the ability to undertake an informed and systematic approach to the selection and critique of published materials.
o A critical reflection
Return to your rationale for selecting the chosen topic area of your literature review, relate the theory you explored to your clinical experiences and reflect on how the knowledge and insights gained may inform your future professional practice. Conclude your reflection by identifying a service improvement opportunity; this will be the topic for your next theory assignment. At all times do you need to demonstrate an awareness of the complex factors which may influence nursing care.
o A conclusion:
Summarise key themes and insights and conclude your dissertation.
o References
o Bibliography
o Appendices

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