Wednesday 1 March 2017

Enterprise Architecture - Cybersecurity challenges in securing the Electricity Grid

PURPOSE: Write a solution oriented
EA report. Choose from either the “Industry Architecture” or
architecture problem spaces of what TOGAF names the “Enterprise Continuum”.
Analyze the problem space in terms of “ identified issues” (see #4 and #5 below) and then provide some
recommendations and planning based on your analysis of the problems/issues (per #6 and #7 below).
You may use TOGAF or any other EA framework to approach this project, as well as related information
provided in your texts.
In addressing the info/data aspects of the project (as discussed in the EIA ( text\\\"s core chapters 16),
consider how the issues/solutions of your project correspond to the more specific topical areas discussed in
chapters 7 14
of the EIA text (these chapters discuss how the reference models from the required reading
chapters can be applied in specific real world problem areas that are common today). For example, if your
project heavily involves cloud computing and info integration (chapters 7 and 8 of the EIA text), use those
chapters as extra research material and utilize some of the concepts in those chapters, as
appropriate, to develop a richer analysis and solution . You should be able to find some topics in chapters 714
that are pertinent to your problem space. The intent is for each student to be able to dive into one or two
additional chapters of the The Art of Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) text for a deeper understanding of some specific topics, based on what is
most relevant and helpful to your project.

1. Title Page
2. Table of Contents
Include page numbers
3. Executive Summary
This should be a concise, one page,
executive level
summary of key findings and recommendations from
your paper
4. General Background of Project Topic and Vision of Architecture Project Success
Provide general overview, some kind of benchmarked “big picture” for context, and an Architecture
Vision/Purpose – what will success look like?
Include references as appropriate
Use page numbers beginning with this section – page 1
2 or more pages
5. IdentificaԀon of approximately 4‐6 Major Architecture Issues associated with the project (and benchmarked “big
picture” of which this project will be a part – provide a context for what part of a larger ecosystem you are addressing.
Potential Issue Areas: Organizational, Management, Strategy, Financial, People, Culture
Potential Issue Areas: Data, Information & Knowledge
Potential Issue Areas: Information Technology, Other Technology
Potential Issue Areas: Business Process, Policies & Procedures, Controls/Metrics
Potential Issue Areas: Architecture frameworks, reference models, patterns, Implementation
Each identified issue should be bulletized and short, clear and crisp
Do not discuss issues in this section
No more than one sentence for each issue
6. Analysis of the implementation of the Project Topic and associated Major Enterprise Architecture Issues
Should represent at least 60% of the research paper
12 or more full pages in length
Factually based on research material gathered (can include examples from your own personal
Develop a small business case to justify that each issue merits attention as such – why is the issue an
issue, based on the facts and your analysis?
Do not include personal conclusions or recommendations in this section
Include references as appropriate
7. Recommended Solutions, High‐Level Roadmap, and Conclusion with Recommended Next Steps
Provide recommended solutions, showing that you have first considered alternatives, for each major issue
Provide a highlevel
road map (could be part of an MS Project plan, an Excel spreadsheet, or a Word table)
Provide key activities and milestones in this road map
Provide a section entitled “Conclusion” in which you summarize your key findings and provide some
recommendations, including suggested next steps.
5 or more pages

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