Monday, 6 March 2017

Contextualize Application Project - Acts - Hebrews - 2 Timothy

Alright friends. I am in seminary, but my wife just went into labor early to have a baby, and this is one of my finals for the course. It is Due on Wednesday. The number of pages needed is not mandated, but an estimate of what it will probably take to accomplish all the tasks requested. Here is the assignment:
Contextualized Application Project
The purpose of the Contextualized Application Project is to provide the student with the opportunity to practice and apply the principles of Systematic Theology and create a work product that may be used in a select ministry context.

The foundation for systematic theology is the Bible, but there is a real danger of getting so caught up in the doctrines that we neglect the biblical text. To encourage you to stay rooted in the Bible, during the course of the semester you will read the following books: Acts, 2 Timothy, and Hebrews. As you read you will gather together all of the passages that deal with the concept of the Word of God. By the end of the semester, you will have compiled the various passages into a coherent statement that will reflect the cumulative message of those passages that you have highlighted.
The goal of this project is to give you a first-hand experience in the process of forming a systematic theology that is rooted in the Bible. This project will be completed in three phases. Phase one is the treatment of each book individually. Phase two is a systematizing of your findings from phase one. Phase three involves combining your findings from phase two into a unified doctrinal statement of the word of God in Acts, 2 Timothy, and Hebrews in the context of your perceived call to ministry.

• Phase One: 20% of paper grade. Phase one involves you reading Acts, 2 Timothy and Hebrews and noting all the passages that contribute to an understanding of God’s Word. For example, as you read Acts you will look for those verses and passages that speak to how the Word of God is used and understood in Acts. Once you have read all of Acts, you will then organize your findings in a manner that a person could read what you have written and have an understanding of what each verse/passage in Acts teaches about God’s Word. In other words, you will need to give your informed interpretation of each passage/verse you find in Acts about God’s word. You will do the same for 2 Timothy and Hebrews. You will upload this work in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format under the appropriate link in Blackboard ?
• Phase Two: 30% of paper grade. Once you have submitted your exegetical summaries for each of the books, you will then organize a comprehensive summary for each book. Instead of treating each verse/passage in isolation as you did in the first part of the project, now you will be treating them together. Your goal with your comprehensive summary is to present a systematized understanding of God’s Word from the three books. Each book should be treated individually from each other in this phase. You will upload this work in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format under the appropriate link in Blackboard ?
• Phase Three: 50% of paper grade. Once you have completed your individual book summaries, you are ready to write your unified systematic summary. In this phase you will combine the three individual book summaries into a single unified doctrine of the word of God from Acts, 2 Timothy, and Hebrews. This is not a mere pasting together of the three individual summaries from phase two, but a new synthesis of the ideas in phase two in light of how they interact with each other. In this phase, you will not only demonstrate your ability to do the work of systematic theology, but also to apply the skills you have acquired in a specific ministry context of your choice. In your work you will play the role of a minister of education with the responsibility of equipping your teachers with a curriculum to teach the doctrine of the Word of God.
• You will submit a lesson plan (or set of lesson plans) that is appropriate to adults
• These lesson plans will include teaching aids that would be given to your teachers to help them grasp the concepts you want them to understand. ?
• The teacher’s material should clearly show the various concepts of the word of God in the three books under consideration. It should also show your research into the secondary literature. It does not have to conform to a research paper format, but should be useful for the teacher.

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