Wednesday 1 March 2017

Blood Ugly Sportswear


Blood Ugly is a unique Innovative brand with universal applications . It"s an exciting and fresh concept ! The mission is to create a sportswear company based around the lifestyle improvements of the consumer . A Feel Good Look with emphasis on the showing of increased confidence through the adornment of our garments . Blood Ugly focuses on creating awareness of the importance of Good Attitude , and Determination , as it represents socially conscious fashion to the masses . Our goal is to reach those who take life and their dedication to healthy lifestyles seriously , and enjoy sharing their accomplishments to inspire others .
Although , the initial concept was to focus on clothing , Blood Ugly has a multitude of diverse expressions. The proven appeal of the Logo , will show the brand offered in many different venues .
Founded by Name, and located in NY , Blood Ugly focuses on recruiting a following of loyal , dedicated consumers with the desire to improve their lives inside and out . To educate and inspire , the release of the E-Book , BLOOD UGLY THE ATTITUDE THAT DEFINES YOU , precedes the launch of the clothing line . Here , Name , through his own story , motivates and provides suggestions to gain the consumer"s confidence to purchase the brand . With the book"s portrayal of Name , as THE AVERAGE JOE ,overcoming life"s challenges , to successfully building a new life and future , the general public can associate with him , to also , better themselves and enjoy a better life and wardrobe .
Plans are for a significant launch of the book first , and the clothing line to follow . Immediate attention will be on manufacturing and distribution. Presently , in the works are the website and E-Commerce sites .
With an emphasis on lifestyle as a responsible fashion , Blood Ugly will be promoting healthy living as a basis for consumers to express themselves . Ultimately , not only having a better life for themselves , but also , proudly displaying their confidence outwardly .
The organic expansion of the Logo, has provided numerous items that will be offered . These will include , but not be limited to , karate -MMA apparel and gear , swimwear and towels , gym bags and accessories , gym wear and gear , jackets and most sportswear , novelties like water bottles and stickers , and skateboards and gear . Currently on social media , pictures of these items are displayed along with motivational quotes on a daily basis .
In general , consumer purchases are centered around the appeal and representation of the brand . Given that , the company designs are centered around providing the best made , best looking fashions . To further take advantage of the uniqueness which embodies Blood Ugly , the tag line The Attitude That Defines You aims to help gain greater market penetration .
" Our vision is to build a brand that people can adopt and identify with . "
The primary competition comes from fitness based apparel companies which have been commited to sustainable fashion while eluding to exercise , without the benefits of Our Infused Attitude and Lifestyle attributes within their clothing . The brand value proposition and differentiation will come from being recognizable as the motivational line of clothing , known also as , " Inspirational Threads " This American brand , will portray an image health and fitness that shows both fashion forward thinking and a concern for well being .
Primary means of marketing will be on-line through analytic-driven approaches , like SEO and paid search , in addition to capitalizing on social channels like , Instagram Facebook , Twitter , and Pintrest . User generated content and engagement will be key , as product pages will include Instagram photos and promote consumer pride in our products .

With respect to important trends and paradigm shifts in the industry , we anticipate long term growth through continued development and exposure of the brand , with the ability of Blood Ugly to evolve , creating new unique promotions.


Blood Ugly is focused on providing fashionable apparel , while the guiding values and principals are centered around conscious - minded consumers to promote healthy lifestyles .
Throughout the past year , local market testing has proven successful in all areas .

Taking his concept , and bringing it to fruition , proving the unlimited potential , of this brand , has been the commitment and passion of Name .

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