Friday 3 March 2017

Descriptive Statistics Research Assignment

Descriptive Statistics Research Assignment
For this assignment you will select one year of the General Social Survey (GSS) and calculate the appropriate descriptive statistics for the following variables: educ, age, race, sex, and realinc. In addition, you will need to select five variables of your choosing to report on. The five variables you choose could be centered on a theme or they may just be variables you are interested in. Keep in mind that moving forward that you will be working with this year of GSS data from now on. You should research that year and learn as much about it as possible. What major events happened that year? What was the context under which people answered the survey? You are tasked with producing a statistical report for that year.
This assignment consists of three components: a prose essay about the descriptive statistics, a table reporting the descri tive statistics, and one figure that visualizes at least one variable. Review Chapters 2-4 in Statistics in Plain English to get an idea about how to write about descriptive statistics. Review pages 64-67 in the ASA Style Guide 5th Edition to help with formatting you table and figure.
Your essay needs to contain the following components. 1) What are each of the variables measuring? 2) You need to communicate the appropriate measures of central tendency and variability for each of the ten variables. 3) Where appropriate, you need to describe the characteristics of each variable in reference to the normal distribution, include measurements of kurtosis and skewedness.
Your table needs to include all of the appropriate descriptive statistics reported in your essay along with how each variable is coded. Group the variables by type: nominal, ordinal, and interval/ratio. Your figure may be a boxplot, histogram, or a pie chart. You only need to produce one professional figure.

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