Wednesday 8 March 2017

ENGL 143 Stds in Rhetorical Theory

I. Identify the four classes that "all things" can be categorized under in Philebus. Under which class do the following fall? (15 points)
the seasons and all the delights of life
the qualities of high and low (degree)
ratio number and measure (quantification)
the mind

II. Answer the following six Questions for Review from Chapters 4 and 5 of the Herrick text.
5eHerrick.jpgChapter 4 Questions 2, 4, and 6 on page 85
2. Aristotle called rhetoric the counterpart (antistrophos) of dialectic. In what ways are the two arts similar, and how are they different? (14 points)
4. What are the three types of artistic proofs Aristotle identifies, and with what is each concerned? (15 points)
6. What role does Jeffrey Walker find that epideictic discourse played in ancient Greece? (14 points)
Chapter 5 Questions 3, 5, and 9 on page 111
3. How were Greek and Roman understandings of the citizen different? (14 points)
5. Cicero held that eloquence had been separated from some other crucial factor in Roman rhetoric. What is that other factor, and why was he concerned to bring these two qualities together? (14 points)
9. What factors characterized the Second Sophistic? (14 points)

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