Friday 3 March 2017

Artificial Neural Network Literature Review

Hi there Unemployed Professors.

This project is a portion of a larger assignment.

This project on it"s own is writing a Literature review from the 70+ papers I have already collected using Endnote.

The assessment guide for the larger assignment, of which this project is a part, lists: "Breadth of reading" and "Depth of reading" as assessble criteria.

I plan to take the Literature review produced by this project, combine with the other smaller part projects I have created and post another project to Unemployed Professors with the results for written analysis.

From the 70+ sources I have already gathered, I require only a relevent 30 that address the following sub topics:

2.1 The Importance of Predictive Modelling of future Demand:

2.2 The Aviation Industry’s Contemporary Model of Forecasting:

2.3 Use of ANNs to forecast/predict future demand:

2.4 Use of ANNs by the Aviation Industry:

2.5 Use of ANNs by the Wider Industry:

2.6 Use of ANNs to forecast Airport Demand:

2.7 Use of ANNs to forecast Air Cargo Demand:

Within Endnote, I have organised the 70+ sources into folders with the above headings.

Overall, the larger assignment I am in need of is a "Draft Journal Paper", culmination of 12 weeks of study as a Final year project. I say "draft" as I have every intention of reading and editing the work produced to ensure it carries my writing style and does not stand out as an exeption compared to my other work.

The Draft Journal Paper will be around 16 pages in length once complete.

The title of the work will be:
"Modelling Air Cargo Demand of Narita International Airport using an Artificial Neural Network approach."

Primary Objective

To apply an Artificial Neural Network to forecast Narita International Airport"s Import air cargo demand and Export air cargo demand.

Secondary Questions

1. What is the optimum Artificial Neural Network and is that a better model then contemporary models? How does using an Artificial Neural Network model of predicting future air cargo demand compare to ICAO"s contemporary modelling?

2. What are the major independent variables, and their relative weightings, that influence the Import demand and Export demand for air cargo at Narita International Airport when using an Artificial Neural Network? How significant is World Air Cargo Yield as a predictor variable in forecast Narita International Airport"s Export and Import Air Cargo demand in an ANN model?

3. When forecasting Narita International Airport"s annual export air cargo demand, which is a better predictor variable in the Artificial Neural Network models: World Real GDP or World Merchandise Trade?

4. What are the outputs for this Artificial Neural Network?

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