Wednesday 1 March 2017

MIS - Intelligent Support Systems in Business

The Assignment Objective:
This is a project-based aims to familiarize and expose students to the business intelligence tools and the four phases of the decision making process as well as improving students’ effective communication and team working skills. In addition, it helps expose students to tools and techniques that aid them in practically developing a DSS to solve a problem or take advantage of an opportunity based on the four phases of decision making process.
1) Topics:
Each group should identify particular opportunity or problem to be solved. You need to follow the 4 phases of decision making process.
2) Deliverables and marks allocation: (13 Marks)
a. Assignment Cover page ( 0.25 Mark)
b. Tables of content. ( 0.25 Mark )
c. Introduction: covering their aim at the end of the assignment ( 1 Mark)
d. Report’s body should include the following :
d.1 Intelligence phase: (3 mark)
• What is the problem (opportunity)?
• Classify the problem (opportunity).
• Decompose the problem (opportunity).
Hint: “The final result should properly identified the right symptoms”
d.2 Design phase: What are the different BI solutions that could be implemented to solve the problem (opportunity)? ( 2 Marks )
d.3 Choice phase: ( 3 Marks )
• The model which will be used along with any tools and functions
• Which BI solution is selected.
• The reasons behind selecting specific BI solution.
e. Work breakdown structure identifying the tasks that need to be completed to develop the DSS along with the task allocation for each team member. (2 mark)
e. Conclusions.( 1 Mark )
f. Write your list of References at least 3 refernces. ( 0.5 Mark)

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