Monday 13 March 2017

Jealousy and Communication RESEARCH

The paper should be concise, carefully edited and well-written – approximately 3-4 single -spaced pages. You should use a minimum of seven peer-reviewed sources, the goal of the paper is to explore the current research trends related to your research topic. Thus, your paper will be organized around two to four themes that explain the current research trends about your topic.

Paper Evaluation

Following are the criteria on which your paper will be graded:

o Introduction which introduces topic, establishes relevance, provides overview of paper (10)

o Conclusion which summarizes findings and emphasizes the implications of these findings. No new information should be included in the conclusion. (10)

o Specific explanation of two to four themes integrating a minimum of seven peer-reviewed sources (not including your text book). Your paper should be organized in terms of what the current research says about this topic (not your opinions about the topic). Your paper should rely minimally on direct quotations. If direct quotations are necessary, they should be followed by an interpretation of the quotation. Paper should include conceptual definitions and identify relationships, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature. (40)

o Clearly established connections between the sub-topics, including transitions between paragraphs as well as within paragraphs. (15)

o Paper is organized, grammatically correct, and concisely written (25)

Each APA error will result in a 2% reduction in your grade. You only need to cite in APA style. You do not have to format your paper in APA style (i.e., no need for running head, abstract, etc.).


According to Close Encounters, pg. 338
Romantic Jealousy: Worrying that a potential rival might interfere with the existence or quality of the romantic relationship.
Sexual Jealousy: Worrying that a rival is having or wants to have sex with one’s partner
Friend Jealousy: Feeling threatened by the partner’s relationships with friends, such as worrying that your closest friend has a new “best friend”
Family Jealousy: Feeling threatened by the partner’s relationships with family, such as worrying that your spouse is closer to her or his mother than you
Activity Jealousy: Worrying that the partner’s activities such as work, hobbies, or school are interfering with the relationship
Power Jealousy: Perceiving that one’s influence over the partner is being lost to others
Intimacy Jealousy: Believing that one’s partner is engaging in more intimate communication such as disclosure and advice seeking, with someone else

*Side note: bolded topics will be explored in the majority of the paper, focusing on dating and romantic relationships, although the others will be discussed to give a rounded definition of the different types of jealousy.



Popular media vs. new media
Facebook vs. Snapchat
Different levels of privacy, what can be traced and what can’t be by your romantic partner, idea of uncertainty with what your significant other is doing on social media
Dating vs. Long term romantic relationships


Guerrero, L. K. (2014). Jealousy and Relational Satisfaction: Actor Effects, Partner Effects, and
the Mediating Role of Destructive Communicative Responses to Jealousy. Western Journal of Communication,78(5), 586-611. doi:10.1080/10570314.2014.935468

Utz, S., Muscanell, N., & Khalid, C. (2015). Snapchat Elicits More Jealousy than Facebook: A
Comparison of Snapchat and Facebook Use. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, And Social Networking,18(3), 141-146. doi:10.1089/cyber.2014.0479

Worley, T., & Samp, J. (2014). Exploring the Associations between Relational Uncertainty,
Jealousy about Partner"s Friendships, and Jealousy Expression in Dating Relationships. Communication Studies, 65(4), 370-388. doi:10.1080/10510974.2013.83352

A Passionate and Polemical Manifesto regarding democracy!

Please write this in a way that communicates your case to a public of your choosing.
The writing needs to be polemical and passionate. You will need to focus on making a clear, strong argument.

You can add information and examples but it won’t need the usual academic referencing style (you may want to cite some figures or data to back you up, but it is your words and ideas that count).
EITHER: a personal manifesto about democracy … ‘Democracy matters to me because …’ OR:
a political manifesto for democracy … ‘Democracy would work much better if …’ OR:
a manifesto with a geographical bent for a particular place, or linking places around a common concern and examples might be: ‘A democratic experiment for East London would be …’ or ‘A democracy for the Anthropocene has to include …’. This needs to start with the place or concern ‘XX needs democracy because …’

I can send a voice note of the lectuters comments on what they are expecting. It can be literally anything, which you think there is a need for democracy (etc), please have a look at the example I am attatching, I would like the work to be produced in this style.

Argument Research Essay: Human Genetics Engineering

This project is primarily an "Argumentative Research Essay".

The task is to develop a research essay against the idea of Human Genetics Engineering. The instructor had made it clear that my essay needs to be confident in arguing against the idea of HGE while providing strong support for ideas.
My Instructor had included a thorough essay instructions page. Use this as guideline.

• This is the most important essay for this course (all told, it’s worth 55% of your final grade).
• Choose a topic from the list I’ve provided that you feel passionate about or at least interested in.
• The essay should be approximately 1,200 words. (No less than 1,100, no more than 1,400). Include
a word count in your title field below the date line (not counting your Works Cited page).
• Read the relevant handbook chapters, following the guidelines for a well-written argumentative essay.
• Make sure you have a clear and definitive thesis statement that forcefully states your position (vs.
your “opinion”).
• Support your thesis with arguments, evidence, facts, and examples. Cite them! ?
• You are required to use at least two academic sources to support your argument. Be sure you
understand what makes a source “academic.” Don’t just mine your sources for good quotes;
actually read them in full so that you truly understand them. This will show.
• Be sure any paraphrases or quotations are smoothly integrated.
• Take into account the opposition: acknowledge them, concede to them, and/or prove them wrong,
but don’t ignore them!
• Ensure your essay has a well-developed introduction and a well-developed conclusion. Do not torture
your reader by merely reiterating in your conclusion what you’ve already said.
• Be sure your body paragraphs are all well structured, unified, and coherent. Each should focus on a
single controlling idea. Each should begin with a transitional sentence (not just a single transitional
word) that 1) makes a clear transition from the previous paragraph, 2) refers to the overall thesis,
and 3) introduces the topic of this new paragraph. Be sure to use transitional terms between
sentences throughout so that the essay flows. Each body paragraph should end with a sentence
that brings it to a close.
• Please provide an intriguing and informative title.
• Make sure your essay is clean and concise. No repetition, no filler, no wordiness: clean out the
deadwood. Develop your ideas if you need to increase your word count; don’t just repeat them!
Draft, draft, draft, edit, edit, edit, and then prooooofread!!!!
• Include a perfect MLA Works Cited page. Improper documentation of the words, ideas, or thoughts
of others is plagiarism, and policy will apply.
• Follow MLA formatting conventions. Print on one side of the paper only. Number your pages in the
upper, right-hand corner, supply a title field in the upper, left-hand corner of the first page (be sure
it is formatted properly and contains all required elements, including, for this assignment, a word
count), double-space the essay throughout, use a standard 12-point serif font, and use at least one- inch margins. Paragraphs must be indented and have no extra space between them. If you’re
handing in a hard copy on April 3rd, your essay must be stapled (with feedback sheet at the back).
• Do not use a cover or folder of any kind.
• Feedback sheet: You must hand your feedback sheet in with your essay. If you hand in a hard copy
of your essay, staple the sheet to the back. If you’re uploading to Moodle, be sure to include your
feedback sheet. Your essay should demonstrate that feedback was taken into consideration and that
you put some hard work into revisions following each of the drafting stages.
Any essay that fails to follow these guidelines will not be accepted.

Effects of poverty on education

Essay 2: A Research Analysis: Critically Responding to Carl Hart"s High Price
Purpose: For this essay, you will analyze and research a theme of your choice in Carl Hart"s High Price
Audience: Anyone who has read Hart"s memoir.
Learning Outcomes: In this assignment, you will practice three of our course’s learning outcomes: Write effective expository and argumentative essays in formal edited English (Outcome 2), document use of sources appropriately (Outcome 3) and respond critically to texts (Outcome 4).
Sources: You must use quotes and citations from 3 credible outside sources as well as the primary source: Carl Hart"s High Price. To document these sources, you should use MLA internal citation and attach a Works Cited Page at the end.
Sources to AVOID: Please be cautious about using .com sources or blogs unless you can verify the author’s credibility (scholar, journalist, expert in the subject etc.). Instead rely upon credible newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals, university/college websites, and Inver’s Library databases. You can use Wikipedia as a vehicle for locating sources, but please do not use it as one of your required sources. If you have any questions about your sources, please ask!
1. Hart notes that growing up poor--often without stable housing--impacts learning, language acquisition, and parenting styles. What affect does Hart"s environment (his family, his neighborhood, and his peer groups) have upon his success in school? How does Hart"s situation reflect what research shows about the connections between poverty and educational success? How does his story challenge the research? Be sure to locate 3 credible sources. Consider using the search terms "housing and academic achievement" or "poverty and vocabulary" or "poverty and student engagement."

Managing Finances & Operations - Higher Education

Please see the attached materials for more information.

We’ll begin with the assumption that you have been appointed as the budget manager for your [institutional] unit [my unit is alumni relations] (be sure to read Lecture 2A to learn about the role of a budget manager) and now have been told that your institution is going to use a zero-based budget model with an 80% base for the next fiscal year – meaning, you will have 20% less funding to work with. Your tasks are to:

· Identify which of the current activities/programs you deem to be “absolutely essential” and necessary for the operation of your unit and can be continued under the 80% base. In the “real world” not all activities/programs have the same expenditure levels but, for the sake of this exercise (since this is only a one-month course) we’ll assume the expenses to be equal. So, list all of the activities/programs and then select the 80% that you deem to be the most essential.

· Next, decide which of the activities/programs in the 20% not funded, you would argue should be restored if you were granted an addition 10% funding and articulate a rational for their selection. Picture yourself as having to fight for this additional 10% funding and make your best possible case.

· Finally, decide if the remaining non-funded activities/programs are really something that your unit needs and are worth the strong justification and documentation effort you would have to make to attempt to get central administration consider granting your unit funding for this last 10% of your prior fiscal year allocation. This is a hard decision to make because you have to assume that administration is not going to be disposed to hear your argument so, decide if any of these remaining activities/programs are worth the fight you would face and, if so, how best to made the case on behalf of them for your budget unit.

· We won’t subject you to the daunting task of asking for additional funds above the full level of your last fiscal year allocation for one or more new activities/programs your budget unit wants to begin. But ……… if you want to try it in this exercise, do so, but know that you will be expected to provide extraordinary justification and documentation for such a request. I’ve “been there and done that” in real-life on two occasions and the only analogy I can make is to suggest that the presentation before the budget committee almost felt like a fast and furious combat situation! In lecture 4A we note Birdsall (1995) advising that budget unit managers “demonstrate the ability to make budget hard choices within the department prior to bringing the unit’s budget to top administration” – this is sound advice which can help you prevail in any budgetary wars you may encounter.

Information Architecture Topic Research

There are many aspects of Information Architecture. Some applicable topics are: the art and science of organizing and labeling websites, intranets, online communities, and software; bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape and especially the web; designing user flows, information systems, and content structures; navigation and search; usability testing and many more. If it"s part of IA and you can select to research it. Research topics must be defined and refined into a thesis. This is not a lesson, you are not explaining a topic in the course. You need to apply the topics to your specific vision.

Pick a specific element of IA to lead you to your topic; an area that you have an interest in and one that you feel has importance. This is not a collection of citations on the topic, you need to submit your own insight into the topic and its relation to Information Architecture in the form of thoughtful analysis. Research other"s findings, develop your own ideas, use your own words. Your thesis will identify what your research is proving.

Each student will research techniques, methods and historical context of the topic. Papers should delve into and include details relative to the research undertaken for your particular topic. Provide originality in your application of the topic and sufficiently support your argument

The research paper is on the conceptual understanding and practical applications of an information architecture topic. The paper needs to be a seven to ten page double spaced paper (excluding references) in 12 point font with 1 inch margins (including top & bottom). Weather you start with a broad topic or a specific component of IA, you need to create a thesis that explains your exploration of the topic. Topics need to be approved in advance by the instructor. (Submitted via the Paper Topic Submission assignment link in the Research Paper module.

You will describe and explain your topic as an introduction to the paper. Include enough detail to provide a background of understanding for the rest of your paper. This should lead into your thesis. The bulk of the paper should include supporting content and reference other research. Use headings and subheadings throughout the paper to identify content sections and supporting ideas. (NOTE: a heading should never take up more than a single line - headings are not used to fill space). Provide a thoughtful inclusive conclusion.

Research paper will be written in APA format. Please use citations and format your paper using APA style guidelines. For more information on APA guidelines

The Sociological Perspective

The goal of this assignment is to write essays that demonstrate:
Comprehension of course concepts
Critical analysis of topics
Synthesis of various course concepts that can be analyzed
Application to current events, historical contexts and the ‘real world’

Word doc (no other format will be accepted)
12-point font, double spaced, 1-inch margins
1,200 words minimum (no maximum).
This paper requires at least three sources. At least one of those sources must be from SocIndex (Library Database),uid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=sih
Information must be academic, professional or fact-based news. Sources must be derived from empirical evidence. Avoid blogs and opinion pieces. Wikipedia is not a source, but a good place to find sources.
Citation – Use APA format for in-text citations and the bibliography (References). This is the only part of the paper that is APA format.
Search Purdue OWL APA for samples of APA format.
Submit via WebStudy > Timeline > Essay > Assignment, middle tab “Attach Files” (do NOT copy and paste in text box)
BEFORE 11:59pm on due date (see syllabus)

Essay – Socialization

You will write an essay about socialization that contains the following:
Define and explain, in detail, socialization. Apply terms from the chapter.
Provide an example of socialization through choosing a contemporary topic that will be analyzed sociologically.
Use fact-based sources about your topic and summarize the research.

Apply the following criteria to discuss your topic:
Use at least one theory of socialization from the book and/or notes.
Describe the Agents of socialization and their role as applicable.
Describe the stages of the life course as applicable.
Include the role of resocialization, rites of passage, and total institutions where applicable.
What is the role of biological and/or social determinism?

Psychology and Law Research Paper

The overall aim of this paper is to evaluate how a topic related to Psychology and the Law is represented in the popular media, in accordance with the course objectives. Specifically, your task is to compare the media coverage of the case of an individual who was found Not Criminally Responsible (NCR) in a Canadian court in the last 10 years to the research presented in academic sources. Select your case carefully. You will need to discuss at least four of the five topics below:
(1) Interrogation/interview process (2) Witness testimony (3) Jury selection or deliberations (4) Arguments presented in the decision to find the individual NCR (5) Public reactions to the NCR ruling At minimum,

your paper must be informed by: ? Four reputable media sources (newspaper or television broadcast) that focus on your selected case. These sources must have been published in the last 10 years. ? Four peer-reviewed academic journal articles that cover the topics listed above. Your research paper should consist of 6 double-spaced typed pages plus a separate reference page (plus or minus half a page, without penalty). Evaluation Your paper will be evaluated relative to your peers on the clarity of description and strength of your comparison.

You will be expected to: (1) Clearly (and briefly) introduce the particulars of your selected case (2) Provide an organized comparison between your selected media coverage and each of the topics listed above (3) Demonstrate your knowledge of the relevant academic research (4) Demonstrate clarity of expression and adhere to APA citation style and formatting (5) Base your paper on relevant, scholarly sources

Formatting your paper Please use standard APA style (6th Edition): ? 1-inch (2.54cm) margins ? 12-point Times New Roman font ? Double-spaced (2.0) lines ? Title page (remember to include your full name and student number) ? APA-formatted reference list (start on a new page)

Bottling Company Case Study

• Assignment 1: Bottling Company Case Study
Due Week 10 and worth 140 points
Imagine you are a manager at a major bottling company. Customers have begun to complain that the bottles of the brand of soda produced in your company contain less than the advertised sixteen (16) ounces of product. Your boss wants to solve the problem at hand and has asked you to investigate. You have your employees pull thirty (30) bottles off the line at random from all the shifts at the bottling plant. You ask your employees to measure the amount of soda there is in each bottle. Note: Use the data set provided by your instructor to complete this assignment.


Write a two to three (2-3) page report in which you:
1. Calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for ounces in the bottles.
2. Construct a 95% Confidence Interval for the ounces in the bottles.
3. Conduct a hypothesis test to verify if the claim that a bottle contains less than sixteen (16) ounces is supported. Clearly state the logic of your test, the calculations, and the conclusion of your test.
4. Provide the following discussion based on the conclusion of your test:
a. If you conclude that there are less than sixteen (16) ounces in a bottle of soda, speculate on three (3) possible causes. Next, suggest the strategies to avoid the deficit in the future.
b. If you conclude that the claim of less soda per bottle is not supported or justified, provide a detailed explanation to your boss about the situation. Include your speculation on the reason(s) behind the claim, and recommend one (1) strategy geared toward mitigating this issue in the future.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides. No citations and references are required, but if you use them, they must follow APA format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Calculate measurements of central tendency and dispersal.
• Determine confidence intervals for data.
• Describe the vocabulary and principles of hypothesis testing.
• Discuss application of course content to professional contexts.
• Use technological tools to solve problems in statistics.
• Write clearly and concisely about statistics using proper writing mechanics.


Use the attached link to view the assignment, "Student Activity 1: Starting at the Beginning - The Church in Acts". This is taken from the end of Chapter 5 in your textbook (pg. 148).
Please answer Questions 1, 7, 8, and 9, in short answer format.
Luke, Chapters 1-4, found at:
· John, Chapter 14 and 16:8-17, found at:
· Acts, Chapters 1-5, found at:
· 1 Corinthians Chapters 12-13, found at:
· Mueller, Section "How the Ripples Started" in Chapter 5 (p. 132-133).
· Class Notes (below)
What is the Blessed Trinity?
The mystery of the Trinity is the central doctrine of the Catholic faith. Upon it are based all other teachings of the Church. In the New Testament there is frequent mention of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (
One God, Three Divine Persons – The Catholic Church teaches that the fathomless mystery we call God has revealed himself to humankind as a Trinity of Persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 238 – 248). In the unity of the Godhead there are three Persons – truly distinct one from another.

Who is the Holy Spirit?
Catholics declare that they believe in the Holy Spirit when they proclaim in The Nicene Creed (Mueller, p. 137) “… I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, … I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ… For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. … I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets”.
To believe that God is Spirit means to believe that on this earth you are meant to live a sanctifying life that is a created sharing in God’s own nature – a life which is the beginning of life eternal. “ The human person participates in the light and power of the divine Spirit. By his reason, he is capable of understanding the order of things established by the Creator. By free will, he is capable of directing himself toward his true good. He finds his perfection “in seeking and loving what is true and good.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1704). Thus, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Sanctifier and by the gift of Fortitude we are given the strength and resolve to overcome the obstacles to living the faith.
In John 14: 25-26, Jesus says, “ I have told you this while I am with you. The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name – he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” Thus, the Holy Spirit is the parakletos, the Paraclete - the helper, advocate and comforter. It is the gift of Counsel which helps one see and correctly choose the best practical approach in serving God. ( Handbook For Today’s Catholic , p.22)
In place of the departed Christ, the faithful will have the Spirit. Jesus instructs the Apostles (John 16: 7), “Still, I must tell you the truth: it is for your own good that I am going because unless I go, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I do go, I will send him to you”. He, the Holy Spirit, is the Spirit of Truth, teaching them the meaning of Christ’s words, of his actions and signs that had been obscure to the disciples. (The New Jerusalem Bible, footnote, p. 181)
Jesus says to his followers (the Church), “… I will not leave you orphans”. (John 14:17 – 20) After Jesus’ death and Resurrection, the Apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit. This occurred on the feast of Pentecost. “… It is, he (Christ) had said, … John baptized with water but you, not many days from now, will be baptized with the Holy Spirit”. (Acts 1: 5) Thus, it is through the Holy Spirit that the Apostles were given the “gift of tongues” which allowed people of all languages to understand the teachings of Christ. The spreading of the Gospels, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is the mission of the Church. The gift of Wisdom, which helps a person value the things of heaven and the gift of Understanding, which enables a person to grasp the truths of religion, (Handbook for Today’s Catholic, p. 22), are the inner stirrings of the Holy Spirit that guide us to choose good and reject evil.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church is a personal community that continues Christ’s actions in the world. (Mueller, p. 197) Being “in the Spirit” with the rest of the Church, we live with others in such a way as to build a spirit of love and community. The gift of Knowledge, which helps a person see the path to follow and the dangers to one’s faith and the gift of Piety, which fills a person with confidence in God and an eagerness to serve him, (Handbook for Today’s Catholic, p. 22), are the inner stirrings of the Holy Spirit that help the people of God to live a life of love that is grounded “in the Spirit”.
Catholic belief teaches that openness to the promptings of the Holy Spirit gives the believer the ability to respond to the command of Christ, “… go out and bear fruit… What I command you is to love one another”. (John 15: 16 – 17) The gift of Fear of the Lord, make a person keenly aware of God’s sovereignty and the respect due to him and his laws, (Handbook for Today’s Catholic, p. 22) is the inner stirring of the Holy Spirit that makes it possible for the believer to accept the Supreme love of God.
If you live in the Holy Spirit, the Catholic Church teaches that you will bear fruit. If you listen to the inner stirrings of the Holy Spirit the fruit that you will bear will be: “charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, and chastity.

Jealousy, Adultery, and Betrayal, Themes in biblical text

The written paper should focus on a particular text (or texts) from the Hebrew Bible that addresses this theme or topic.

The research project should incorporate (at least) these seven aspects.

1) A thesis, concept, or question that the paper will address,

2) an introduction and overview of the topic, concept, or theme


3) a presentation and analysis of the chosen text(s) drawing on its

(their) historical and cultural context;

4) a coherent argument or presentation that supports the writer’s

thesis using the text(s) chosen and any additional materials

uncovered in research;

5) a conclusion, drawing on the argumentation presented to arrive at a

reasonable and logically supportable answer;

6) an addendum of personal reflections (consisting of no more than 1

page total) that specifically address how and why this research was

chosen, what you gained or learned from working with it, and how it

has challenged your preconceptions or enhanced your understanding

of the topic and the biblical material; and

Religion 326 - Rabbi Joe Blair – Syllabus – FALL 2016 Page 7

7) a list of the works referenced and used in producing the paper in

appropriate citation format, with no fewer than three legitimate works


TOPIC: Jealousy, Adultury, and Berayal as themes in the text

(T) The Jewish Study Bible, Ed. Berlin. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2014.

(H&P) Harris, Stephen L. and Platzner, Robert L., The Old Testament: An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible, 2nd Edition, Sacramento, California State University, McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008, or later.

(T)- Leviticus 1-10, 12-13, 15, 18-19
(H&P): Chap 9-10

The Impact of Social Media During the 2016 Presidential Election

The paper should be 5-7 pages in length, double-spaced with 1” margins. Please use 12-pt. Times New Roman.

1. An introduction. Your introduction should include a clear statement of your topic, the purpose and preview two or three main points you will make about your topic.

2. A body. The body of the paper should be two to six paragraphs long, with at least one paragraph for each main point you are trying to make (probably two paragraphs per main point will be more thorough).

3. A conclusion. A conclusion serves to remind the reader what has been covered in the paper. Your conclusion should summarize the content of your main points. You should also have a closing statement. (A closing statement offers your point of view and closure on the topic).

4. Three academic sources and one primary source. You must also cite these sources consistently using APA style citation.

PROMPT: How does the media shape choices during election years?

Choose one aspect of the coverage of elections – say, televised debates or social media campaigns, newspaper/radio/cable news coverage, or another aspect – and talk about how it shapes our understanding of presidential candidates.

TOPIC: The Impact of Social Media During the 2016 Presidential Election


What types of media appealed to which voters?
What type of media did voters use as a source?
How “techni-savy” was your candidate?
How did it hurt/benefit them?
How far has social media within elections come since 2008?
How does the average voter use social media during elections?
How does social media shape the way we vote?

Sunday 12 March 2017

Adorno and Foucault

Last quarter you examined Smith’s claim that the spread of commercial society (i.e. capitalism) would enable individuals the freedom to follow their self-interest, understood in terms of both their life activity and their access to the world of goods and services. Foucault and Adorno both call into question the assumption that there is a pre-existent individual who exists always and everywhere, and who could be ‘freed’ to pursue their self-interest in
an open society. Instead, both Foucault and Adorno claim that our modern notion of
individuality is a product of practices which lead us to dominate ourselves behind our own backs.
Begin by describing what Foucault and Adorno believe are the practices that lead to
self-domination in the modern world, i.e. power-knowledge and capitalist commodity
production respectively, and then discuss how they believe modern culture serves to
maintain this self-domination.

Times New Roman, Normal Margins, 12 point font, Double spacing.

Preferred source editions:

Michel Foucault. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage Books, 1995

On The Fetish-Character in Music and the Regression of Listening by Theodor W. Adorno
I"ve attached the pdf for Adorno.
Here"s a link for the source as well:

Hezbollah Paper

Our assignment is to write a 4-5 paper paper and as my topic I chose Hezbollah. I have already written the paper and am just looking for someone to go through it, fixing my (probably plentiful) mistakes. I"d prefer someone with some amount of knowledge on the topic already, as there might be some obvious innacuracies in the paper.

Students will prepare a 4-5 page paper on non-Western historic topic of their own choosing. Any country or region except Europe, the United States, or Australia and New Zealand is eligible. Any era may be considered, 1500 to the present.
The best topics will cover a manageable amount of information, allowing the student to tell a story but also to make analytical observations about events in historical context. For example, it is great to describe the Cultural Revolution in China, but better to talk about student anger at teachers as manifested in the Cultural Revolution. A narrow focus makes for a fresh and original paper.

Position Paper: Chopin The Awakening

TOPIC: Edna did not conform to societal ideologies and tested the limits of civilization by abandoning her family, taking up lovers, buying her own home, and eventually taking her own life.

Presentation and Format Instructions for 3-paragraph position papers (please follow them closely)
–These short position papers will help you get a head start on your final paper, but they are also significant projects in their own right.
–Essentially, all position papers can be broken down into a 3-paragraph model, although that model might need to be expanded into more paragraphs in particular cases.
–All 3-paragraph responses are graded on a ten-point scale broken down as noted below.
A. Presentation
–All responses must be typed and double-spaced and include your name, my name, and the number of the class (LTWR 350).
–All responses must feature a title that specifically states the focus of your position paper.
Quality of Presentation (2 points)
–The response uses good grammar: 1 point
–The format of the paper is handled properly, and the copy you turn in is in good shape: 1 point
–Papers are marked down one point for each class period that they are past due. All papers that are more than two weeks late will be marked down no more than four points.
B. Format
Paragraph One (3 points): Defining the Issue
–Identify as specifically as possible in the writer’s work the particular issue which you are going to discuss in this paper: 1 point
–Identify the most relevant elements of this particular issue in the book: 1 point
–Explain in a detailed thesis statement the writer’s attitude over the course of the book towards this particular issue: 1 point
Paragraph Two ( 3 points): Detailed Interpretation
–Provide at least one significant quotation (2-3 lines minimum) that seems crucial to the issue you wish to explore: 1 point
–Interpret in detail the significance of this particular quotation, showing how this quotation is crucial to the writer’s stance towards the issue in question: 2 points
–Note: In some cases, you might find yourself interpreting several (usually shorter) quotations, and that’s okay.
Paragraph Three (2 points): Further Exploration
–Identify the main elements of this issue in the writer’s work that you would need to explore further if writing a final paper on this topic: 1 point
–Identify and describe the significance of at least three other quotations from the book that you would use if you developed this paper further (a page number and brief description will do; there’s no need to quote the actual passages): 1 point
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Additional Position Paper Advice
1) Do not write a position paper only on one short story or poem, although writing on one novel is fine.
2) If writing about stories or poems, try to find a theme, issue, or problem that comes up in two or more stories or poems, whether in the work of one writer or more than one.
3) Remember that you will have to revise your thesis paragraph in order to reflect the specifics of the argument that the rest of your paper makes. Therefore, be prepared to rewrite the first paragraph after you have written the rest. You can even consider not writing the first paragraph at all until you’ve written the other body paragraphs.
4) Highlight passages in the books that seem important to you when you’re reading them. 5) Highlight passages that we discuss in class.

The Handmaids Tale Essay

Examine how Offred changes as a result of her experience in Gilead. How is this development integral to Atwood’s message to the reader? In other words, what is she getting at?
“Pleasure is an egg. Blessings that can be counted, on the fingers of one hand. But possibly this is how I am expected to react. If I have an egg, what more can I want?” (111). Do small pleasures in the narrator’s life make things better or worse? Look at several examples.
“All around us we see evidence of the way in which belief is institutionalized and abused.” Make an argument about Atwood"s portrayal of religion in Gilead.
“Ordinary,” said Aunt Lydia, “is what you are used to. This may not seem ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. It will become ordinary.” What does this scene and others in the novel suggest about the dangers of staying passive?
“The pen between my fingers is sensuous, alive almost, I can feel its power, the power of the words it contains.” Discuss the power of language in A Handmaid’s Tale. What is Atwood suggesting about the power of reading, writing, speaking, etc.? (Try to articulate something more specific than just "language is powerful.")
“I keep the knowledge of this name like something hidden, some treasure I’ll come back to dig up, one day” (84). Explore the importance of names and naming in A Handmaid’s Tale.
Is this novel ultimately a feminist work, or is it a critique of feminism? Or something more complex? Support your argument with specific examples.
Margaret Atwood describes this novel as "a study of power, and how it operates and how it deforms or shapes the people who are living within that kind of regime." In what ways does power deform or shape characters in The Handmaid"s Tale?
On the flip side, this is also a story about agency. How do characters (especially Offred) subvert the system, in large and small ways? What is Atwood suggesting about life in a totalitarian regime?
In Gilead, women are categorized as wives, handmaids, Marthas, or Aunts, but Moira refuses to fit into a niche. Make an argument about Moira"s role throughout the tale and what she represents for Offred (or readers).

Spinal Cord Injury Research Paper

Spinal Cord Injury Research Paper

Write a 4-6 page APA formatted research paper about the medical rehabilitation of the condition with at least 6 sources excluding your textbook. These sources should not be of a lesser quality such as Wikipedia. Instead, they should be from peer-reviewed journal articles, professional reference texts, etc.

The paper should include a title page, an abstract, a references section, and 4-6 pages of written work. The grading rubric for the paper is as follows:

be in APA style and have excellent grammar (15 pts),

be well organized and flow seamlessly from topic to topic using good transitions and headings (15 pts) Hint--sometimes making a very detailed outline ahead of time helps achieve this.

incorporate and expand on course content appropriately (70 pts)

Functional Assessment of Epilepsy

Functional Assessment Assignment #3

assess a client with that epilepsy.

In the first section, you will describe the disorder, the etiology, frequency of occurrence in the population, and side effects (including from medications).

In the second section, you will list the functional limitations that a person with this disorder may experience. This will include cognitive functions, sensory functions, motor functions, emotional or behavioral functions, and adaptive coping functions. Failure to address all of these will result in a deduction of points.

Finally, you will take a mock client with this condition and describe job accommodations for a mock job that they will need in order to successfully return to work with this disorder. Job Accommodation Network (JAN) may be helpful in this section:

List all references to materials you used while researching this condition. This is not a formal paper, it does not have to follow APA guidelines, but spelling, punctuation, and grammar are still important.

Queer Indigenous People in Canada

The term paper should be 10 pages in length, typed and double spaced with a cover sheet. The term paper topic is restricted to Indigenous Peoples in Canada and will be selected by the student from a list provided by the instructor.


Trade in Africa

This is a position paper on how trade affected the centers of power in Africa . Obviously thats a huge topic for a three page paper so I thought to concentrate on the Swahili civilzation mostly between 1000-1500. But I would be open to anything that relates to the trade topic. The thesis needs to be concise.

Business Communication

Write a negative letter in response to this scenario. Keep in mind that much of the language in this scenario is not appropriate for effective business communication, and that part of your job is to re-write it so that it reads more professionally:
You are the owner of Liquidated Flooring, a small home decor store that specializes in hardwood flooring sales and installation. Last Friday, February 17, a customer called to say he needed to cancel an order with your business because “circumstances had changed” on his end, and he would no longer need a hardwood floor installed at his home. You had delivered $3,500 of flooring materials to the customer’s home on Monday, February 13 in preparation for the installation. During the Friday phone call, you agreed to cancel the order and arrange for pickup of the uninstalled twenty boxes of wood flooring from the customer’s home.
On Monday the 20th, you sent a truck and a worker to the customer’s home to retrieve the flooring, but when you inspected the boxes back at the store, you immediately became suspicious since some of them felt damp to the touch. After opening a few of the boxes, you saw that all of the wood had severe water damage and was completely unusable. Your store’s return policy states that customers are entitled to a full refund (minus a $50 re-stocking fee) if they return merchandise in saleable condition, but that if the merchandise is damaged, they are entitled to nothing. The delivery documents signed by the customer clearly state that he agreed to these terms when he received delivery of the flooring on February 13.
You called the customer to find out what happened, and he told you that some of the boxes “might have gotten a little damp” at his home during the week. You told him that the wood was no longer usable, and he replied that he was very sorry, and that he might instead consider purchasing a different type of flooring from your company. However, he would like a refund first. Before the conversation ended, he also suggested that you check out his profile on Yelp. When you did, you saw that he had posted many negative things about other local companies and given out a series of one-star reviews to them.
You don’t want to give in to threats, and you cannot give the customer a refund, either. And it also seems likely that the customer is not really interested in doing any further business with you either, based on what you’ve seen him post online. However, you are willing to write a letter to the customer’s insurance company to certify that the product was damaged beyond usability. This will allow him to receive some compensation for the loss.
Your task: write a business letter to Jemaine McKenzie, refusing his request for a $3,500 refund. His address is 1234 S. Conchord Ave., LaCrosse WI, 45607. You have chosen to write the document as a letter so that it cannot be easily copied/pasted into a Yelp comment. Use the indirect method to try to keep the reader from becoming unnecessarily upset.
Your assignment must:
? Be no more than one page long, and single-spaced.
? Focus only on the important information, leaving out distracting details.
? Be written in full block letter format (left-justified throughout), printed on letterhead. Use 12- point Times New Roman font only. Letters not printed on a letterhead will not be accepted. (See the sample paper in Blackboard for an example).
The letterhead that you must use for this assignment can be found as a Word file in the Blackboard’s Assignments folder. Type or paste your letter directly onto this file. Assignments that are poorly printed (for example, with old ink jet cartridges) will lose either 5 or 10 points, depending on the severity of the print degradation. To avoid problems, give yourself plenty of time to draft, revise, proofread, and print your assignment.

Ethics of Organizational Culture Analysis

The Class:

Ethics and the Business Professional prepares students to meet the ethical demands facing employees in modern business and nonprofit organizations. Addresses ethical issues surrounding personal moral development, interpersonal communication and relationships on the job, influence, groups and teams, leaders, followers, organizational climate and culture, and the organization"s role in a global society. The course places particular emphasis on equipping participants with the concepts, strategies, and skills needed to improve individual and collective ethical performance. Students will assess and develop their abilities as ethical decision makers and actors.


Ethical Culture Analysis
The ethical culture analysis will be a paper of approximately 15 pages (3,500 to 4,000 words). This paper should be an in-depth investigation and analysis of the ethical culture and performance of a large organization based on course concepts. The organization should, if possible, be a prospective employer: a firm you might like to work for in the future. You will gather data through press reports, company Web sites and materials, personal observation, interviews, and other possible sources. Your analysis should be structured as follows:

1. A description of the organization and its operations.
2. An explanation of your interest in this group.

Cover the following elements and include both description and evaluation of each element:
1. How the organization prevents and responds to problematic and antisocial behaviors
2. Components of ethical culture, including t he core beliefs these components are drawn from
3. Pertinent ethical concepts or theories, including details of each concept or theory
4. Cultural change efforts (ethical drivers), including the complexities of the ethical issues involved and cross-relationships among issues
5. Organizational citizenship/social performance
6. Ethical global citizenship and ethical diversity


1. Determine whether this is an ethically decoupled or an ethically transformed organization, and defend your choice against possible disagreements or objections.
2. Offer suggestions that could be provided to management for the improvement of the organization.
3. Indicate whether you would like to work for this organization based on your analysis and on your own core beliefs or would recommend that others do so.

Essay The best way to overcome the so-called democratic deficit in the European Union is the strengthening of the European

an essay about the topic The best way to overcome the so-called democratic deficit in the European Union is the strengthening of the European Parliament. Since i"m running out of time due other projects i was hoping that someone could help me with this.

the requirements of the essay are:
length 800-1200 words excl. bibliography
visible use of at least 3 scientific articles
the division of the essay should be as followed; introduction, pro"s, cons and an conclusion

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

Write three-to-four (3-4) new pages that address the following:
Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1.
Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between the country you selected and the U.S. before the presidential doctrine was announced.
Describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and the country you selected in section (2) above.
Describe the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.
Assess whether or not the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1 doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced.
Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

To help you understand this assignment further, the following description and examples may be useful.

Step 1: Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to announce one.
A doctrine is an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States, so you will need to expand on this theme.

Refer back to Assignment 1, and build on whatever doctrine you wrote about then. Say, for example, you selected the Truman Doctrine. Therefore, this is the only thing you will write about in Assignment 2 step 1.

Step 2: Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between it and the U.S.
Before the presidential doctrine was announced. In the case of Truman, you would pick either the Soviet Union, Greece, or Iran, since all three were affected by his doctrine. If you are writing about the Eisenhower Doctrine, you would choose Lebanon or Egypt; if you wrote about the Kennedy Doctrine, you would have write about Cuba or Vietnam; if your wrote about the Nixon Doctrine, you would choose either Vietnam, Saudi Arabia or Iran; if you chose Carter, you would select either Iran or Afghanistan; and if you wrote about the Reagan Doctrine, you would select Nicaragua, Angola, Russia or Afghanistan (although there were several others).

Step 3: Describe what effect the presidential doctrine you chose has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.
That is, how did the doctrine change the status quo regionally or globally after it was announced by the U.S.? What happened in Western Europe after the Truman Doctrine was announced? What happened in the Middle East after the Eisenhower Doctrine was announced? What happened with Cuba or Vietnam after Kennedy offered up his doctrine of flexible response? What happened in Southeast Asia or the Persian Gulf after the Nixon Doctrine went in effect? What happened in the Middle East after the Carter Doctrine was announced? What happened in Central America or Africa or the Middle East after Reagan announced his doctrine?

Step 4: Refer back to the country you selected in step two and describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and that country.
How has the relationship changed between the U.S. and that country since the doctrine was announced?

Step 5: Evaluate whether or not the presidential doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the one country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced.

Your assignment must:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Identify the cultural, economic, and political context of information resources, and interpret information in light of that context.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in international problems.
Write clearly and concisely about international problems using proper writing mechanics.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Business Communication

Write a negative letter in response to this scenario. Keep in mind that much of the language in this scenario is not appropriate for effective business communication, and that part of your job is to re-write it so that it reads more professionally:
You are the owner of Liquidated Flooring, a small home decor store that specializes in hardwood flooring sales and installation. Last Friday, February 17, a customer called to say he needed to cancel an order with your business because “circumstances had changed” on his end, and he would no longer need a hardwood floor installed at his home. You had delivered $3,500 of flooring materials to the customer’s home on Monday, February 13 in preparation for the installation. During the Friday phone call, you agreed to cancel the order and arrange for pickup of the uninstalled twenty boxes of wood flooring from the customer’s home.
On Monday the 20th, you sent a truck and a worker to the customer’s home to retrieve the flooring, but when you inspected the boxes back at the store, you immediately became suspicious since some of them felt damp to the touch. After opening a few of the boxes, you saw that all of the wood had severe water damage and was completely unusable. Your store’s return policy states that customers are entitled to a full refund (minus a $50 re-stocking fee) if they return merchandise in saleable condition, but that if the merchandise is damaged, they are entitled to nothing. The delivery documents signed by the customer clearly state that he agreed to these terms when he received delivery of the flooring on February 13.
You called the customer to find out what happened, and he told you that some of the boxes “might have gotten a little damp” at his home during the week. You told him that the wood was no longer usable, and he replied that he was very sorry, and that he might instead consider purchasing a different type of flooring from your company. However, he would like a refund first. Before the conversation ended, he also suggested that you check out his profile on Yelp. When you did, you saw that he had posted many negative things about other local companies and given out a series of one-star reviews to them.
You don’t want to give in to threats, and you cannot give the customer a refund, either. And it also seems likely that the customer is not really interested in doing any further business with you either, based on what you’ve seen him post online. However, you are willing to write a letter to the customer’s insurance company to certify that the product was damaged beyond usability. This will allow him to receive some compensation for the loss.
Your task: write a business letter to Jemaine McKenzie, refusing his request for a $3,500 refund. His address is 1234 S. Conchord Ave., LaCrosse WI, 45607. You have chosen to write the document as a letter so that it cannot be easily copied/pasted into a Yelp comment. Use the indirect method to try to keep the reader from becoming unnecessarily upset.
Your assignment must:
? Be no more than one page long, and single-spaced.
? Focus only on the important information, leaving out distracting details.
? Be written in full block letter format (left-justified throughout), printed on letterhead. Use 12- point Times New Roman font only. Letters not printed on a letterhead will not be accepted. (See the sample paper in Blackboard for an example).
The letterhead that you must use for this assignment can be found as a Word file in the Blackboard’s Assignments folder. Type or paste your letter directly onto this file. Assignments that are poorly printed (for example, with old ink jet cartridges) will lose either 5 or 10 points, depending on the severity of the print degradation. To avoid problems, give yourself plenty of time to draft, revise, proofread, and print your assignment.

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

Write three-to-four (3-4) new pages that address the following:
Define presidential doctrine and summarize the regional or global events during the Cold War leading up to the formation of the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1.
Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between the country you selected and the U.S. before the presidential doctrine was announced.
Describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and the country you selected in section (2) above.
Describe the effect that the presidential doctrine has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.
Assess whether or not the presidential doctrine you wrote about in Assignment 1 doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced.
Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

To help you understand this assignment further, the following description and examples may be useful.

Step 1: Define doctrine and identify why a president would want to announce one.
A doctrine is an ideological platform that a president uses to advance a policy towards a country or region in order to accomplish foreign policy goals for the United States, so you will need to expand on this theme.

Refer back to Assignment 1, and build on whatever doctrine you wrote about then. Say, for example, you selected the Truman Doctrine. Therefore, this is the only thing you will write about in Assignment 2 step 1.

Step 2: Select one country you wrote about in Assignment 1 and describe the Cold War relationship that existed between it and the U.S.
Before the presidential doctrine was announced. In the case of Truman, you would pick either the Soviet Union, Greece, or Iran, since all three were affected by his doctrine. If you are writing about the Eisenhower Doctrine, you would choose Lebanon or Egypt; if you wrote about the Kennedy Doctrine, you would have write about Cuba or Vietnam; if your wrote about the Nixon Doctrine, you would choose either Vietnam, Saudi Arabia or Iran; if you chose Carter, you would select either Iran or Afghanistan; and if you wrote about the Reagan Doctrine, you would select Nicaragua, Angola, Russia or Afghanistan (although there were several others).

Step 3: Describe what effect the presidential doctrine you chose has had on regional or global affairs since it was announced during the Cold War.
That is, how did the doctrine change the status quo regionally or globally after it was announced by the U.S.? What happened in Western Europe after the Truman Doctrine was announced? What happened in the Middle East after the Eisenhower Doctrine was announced? What happened with Cuba or Vietnam after Kennedy offered up his doctrine of flexible response? What happened in Southeast Asia or the Persian Gulf after the Nixon Doctrine went in effect? What happened in the Middle East after the Carter Doctrine was announced? What happened in Central America or Africa or the Middle East after Reagan announced his doctrine?

Step 4: Refer back to the country you selected in step two and describe the relationship that currently exists between the U.S. and that country.
How has the relationship changed between the U.S. and that country since the doctrine was announced?

Step 5: Evaluate whether or not the presidential doctrine had had the intended effect of altering the behavior of the one country you selected in section (2) above since the doctrine was first announced.

Your assignment must:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Identify the cultural, economic, and political context of information resources, and interpret information in light of that context.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in international problems.
Write clearly and concisely about international problems using proper writing mechanics.
Please use the attachment as a reference for this paper. I am looking for an "A" quality paper.

Current Events Paper

A current events paper from a recent article or source that can tie into my Strategic Management class. The books that the professor likes to reference are known business books Blue Ocean Strategy and Grow, Regardless. Blue Ocean is probably the best known source to tie into the paper. It can be 1-2 pages depending on content. No more than 2 pages.

The class book is Strategic Management and Business Policy – 14th Edition, by Thomas L. Wheelen and J David Hunger.

The syllabus instructions are: "The reports should:
- Address the strategic issue(s) at hand
- Connect the issue(s) to course material/discussions – display integration and synthesis of course concepts with the business issues at hand in the article.

Domestic & International Terrorism

HLS 6050 Research Paper (30 points)
The purpose of this 10-15 page paper (not including title page and references – no abstract is required) is to explore how you can apply what you have learned about Homeland Security and its approaches to include, rule of law, historical references, and strategies in order to develop an ability to work on a specific problem of practice. You may wish to consider the problem of practice you explored from Discussion Board posts.

Examples of topics can include: Strategies of homeland security, specific organizations within HLS, Goals of HLS, Organizational implications of leadership on HLS, Strategy law and policy, threats real or perceived, Domestic vs. International, or any approved relevant topic.

Your analysis should include the following components:
· Introduction (brief introductory remarks, purpose of paper, organization of paper – 1page).
· Body of Paper: 11-12 pages
· Part 1: A clear definition and context for your problem of practice.
· Part 2: An organized discussion of the research literature that supports your
chosen approach to the identified problem of practice (include at least 5 recent
studies published in professional journals.
· The studies selected should provide support and/or illumination for the research topic you present.
· Part 3: Delineation, with careful explanation and justification from
· studies, of the research topic that can generate possibilities for innovation and action.
· ? Conclusion: (brief wrap-up of key ideas and concepts – 1 page).
Please Note:
? APA 6th ed. Guidelines and formatting must be used.
? Make sure you are correctly identifying all sources.

Make sure you put quotation marks around any direct quotation and CITE it. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the paper. I would prefer you paraphrase and not use quotes.

· The body of the paper should include 1-inch margins (check this as it is not always the WORD default), double-spaced and not to exceed 15 pages (minus title page and reference pages).
· Use the Template from under the resource tab.

Class System Theory/Globalism

Discuss some of the key differences between the realist, transnationist, and class system theory in International Relations. Of these three system level theories, which do you think is best for describing, explaining and ultimately predicting international events. Give examples of why you believe that theory is best.

Which of the critiques of class system theory (aka globalism) do you find the most and least compelling?

Political Science Opinion Essay

Each of the topic descriptions contain several guiding questions that should help give you some direction with your research; however, you are not required to answer these questions specifically. After having done some research on your topic, you will need to develop a thesis statement to build your paper around, and then support that main thesis idea through the evidence and argumentation that you provide throughout the rest of the paper. There is no “black and white” answer as to whether this is an opinion paper. Rather, the task before you is to appropriately utilize and convey the evidence that seems to best support your thesis statement; the formation of that thesis idea is of course up to you, and will be based on your own normative political judgments. Your total paper length should be at least four pages. You may use any standard formatting (MLA, APA, etc.), so long as you stay consistent with your format throughout, and you should type in Times New Roman, size 12 font. The paper should be double-spaced.

You must use at least five outside sources for your paper, and you must appropriately cite any information that you specifically obtain from any outside source. Furthermore, any outside source that you cite in the paper must also be included in a works cited page at the end of the paper- additional to the assigned number of pages to write. Examples of good sources include major news organizations such as The Economist, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Al-Jazeera, The Atlantic, Washington Post, etc. (where you access the articles through the websites of these kinds of news publications); think tank organizations such as the Rand Corporation, Brookings Institute, Peterson Foundation, CATO Institute, and Center for Budget and Policy Priorities (which also have plenty of analysis on their websites); and the websites of government departments and agencies, such as the CIA world factbook, or the Justice and Treasury departments, among many other examples. Furthermore, you may always cite our own textbook wherever relevant. Lastly, you may also access and utilize academic journal articles as well, though this is not at all a requirement.

Computer Organization/Architecture Questions

Need questions 1 and 2 that are listed below after the description. The problems require the table which I have attached.

Towards the end of the chapter (p. 160-161), examples of deriving
control signals are given. Table 5-6 lists out the "actions" to
fetch/decode/execute each CPU instruction.

List out the control signals given when a CPU instruction is
being executed. For example, when each of the instructions X,
Y, and Z is being executed, the control unit gives a set of
signals at different time T:
X: at T4, signals A0 A1 C0
at T5, signals A1 B0

Y: at T3, signals B1 C0
at T4, signals A1 B1 C1

Z: at T4: signals A0 C1
at T5, signals A1 B0 C0

Then, each signal is given when:
A0 = X T4 + Z T4 = (X+Z) T4
A1 = X T4 + X T5 + Y T4 + Z T5 = (X+Y) T4 + (X+Z) T5
B0 = X T5 + Z T5 = (X+Z) T5
B1 = Y T3 + Y T4 = Y (T3+T4)
C0 = X T4 + Y T3 + Z T5
C1 = Y T4 + Z T4 (Y+Z) T4

1. For the Fetch, Decode, and Indirect steps (T0 through T3)
list out signals like the above. First list out signals
used in Fetch, Decode, then Indirect. Then for each signal,
list its timing definition.
Order the listing alphabetically.
(There should be 8 different signals appeared 12 times.)
(3 pts)

2. For signals used to execute 7 different memory-reference
instructions, sort them out the same way as above. First
by instruction name, then by signal name.
Order the listing alphabetically. (7 pts)

Refection essay 4

Discuss the geographic problems and prospects for the creation of a Kurdish state, and for a Palestinian state. Is either (or both) of these states likely to happen with the next 10 or 20 years?

Answer this question from the point of view of a geographer by looking at positive and negative factors of geopolitics, environment and natural resources, economy, and social and cultural issues. Although the text explicitly discusses both the Kurdish and Palestinian state issues, based on your growing skills as a geographer you should be able to see other factors that are covered in the text that also relate to this issue.

There are no "right" answers to this complex question, but there clearly are wrong answers. A wrong answer is one that doesn"t fully engage the main issues that are covered in your text.

Your essay must be at least 600 words, all of them your own. As with the other essays, do not plagiarize. Also, because this a a political topic you might be tempted to give your opinion in your answer. No opinions are needed or acceptable here. Instead, you will give your analysis, your conclusion, of the information that you present.

NOTE: You must format your work according to the required Technical Aspects described in the course syllabus: a) 12-point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Garamond, or Book Antiqua); one-inch margins all around; double-spaced; and, number the pages.

How does curriculum modification and instructional time impacts the inclusion of students in the general education class?

How does curriculum modification and instructional time impacts the inclusion of students in the general education class. Write a 5 page paper developing the major components of the topic describing the following:

1)Why is the topic important
2)The history of the topic
3)Research conducted on the topic
4)And list concluding recommendations for the successful integration of students in the general education class

*Read, review and cite articles and literature from current journals to address and/or support their concern(s) while discussing your thoughts and beliefs. Remember to use APA format while citing the literature. YOU CANNOT USE INTERNET SOURCES/SITES. You can, however, utilize online journal sites. Points will be deducted if internet sources are used.

POLSC 101 Analytical Essay

The analytical essay must be on a CONTEMPARY POLITICAL ISSUE in American Politics as it relates to DEMOCRACY. (Ideally a more obscure issue)

The Gardens of Democracy by Eric Liu and Nick Hanauer (ISBN-10: 1570618232) must be discussed in the essay.

If possible the paper should seem as if written by a student who is around ENGL 103. (Proficiency)
*Image attached has the assignment instructions posted by professor*

Probation & Parole 4

Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

In 1994, Congress passed the Truth-in-Sentencing Incentive Grants law. Discuss the law, using the following questions to guide your response.

1. Define “truth-in-sentencing.”

2. What was the Truth-in-Sentencing Incentive Grants law designed to accomplish?

3. What other mandatory sentencing movements is truth-in-sentencing linked to?

4. How has the Truth-in-Sentencing Incentive Grant changed the way states sentence offenders? Include a discussion of which states complied with the act.

Control of Lower Extremity Dynamic Alignment

scholarly essay reviewing the research literature

Essay question: Is it preferable to control axial and coronal alignment of the lower extremity kinetic chain from above (hip joint) or below (foot)? Discuss theory and evidence (latter preferred if available).

Background: Increasing evidence suggests that undesirable movements or stresses in the axial and coronal planes contribute to several disorders, including ACL rupture and patello-femoral syndrome (among others). Some practitioners advocate controlling foot motion (via shoes, orthotics, foot/calf exercises); while others advocate hip exercises. They cite both theory and some evidence (limited but increasing) to support their positions.

The essays should be no less than 7 pages, and no more than 8 pages (not including any title page, diagrams, tables, sidebars, or the reference list), double-spaced, using an 11 or 12 point font, with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins. These essays should make thorough reference to the relevant scholarly literature using Vancouver-style bibliographic format. You should cite as much relevant literature as may be necessary to address your topic in an authoritative and scholarly fashion. The essays will be marked using a rubric that assigns 40% of the essay mark to content, 20% to organization, 20% to scholarship, and 20% to writing skill and English usage.

Friday 10 March 2017

Global Security Essay

Essay is for a 3rd year Global Security course. 8-10 pages double-spaced (max 3000 words) not including Title Page or Works Cited page.

Essay can be written on any of these 4 questions:

1-What paradigms and theories have helped understand the roots of violent conflict in the past [you may choose any violent conflicts between 1953-2016]?
2-What are the advantages & disadvantages of NATO expansion?
3-What have been some of the institutional strengths and weaknesses of UN peacekeeping and what reforms to peacekeeping have been suggested?
4-What has been done to prevent terrorism in the past (narrow down your essay to one region, time period or actor)?

**for the paradigms and theories one I have already written an intro that can be used.

Locke’s Distinction between Primary & Secondary Qualities

Source: John Locke (An Essay Concerning Human Understanding)

Introduction: Briefly introduce the reader to the paper’s topic, structure, and conclusions.
Part One: Locke’s Essay is famous for its discussion of the distinction between primary and secondary qualities. Your first task is to explain what this distinction amounts to. To do this, you should not only provide examples of qualities that count as primary and others as secondary, but also present the criterion by which Locke distinguishes between primary and secondary qualities.
Part Two: Locke presents several arguments against the reality of secondary qualities. Your second task is to explain 1-2 of these arguments that you think are the most compelling.
Part Three: Your third task is to evaluate Locke’s arguments explained in Part Two. That is to say, you should raise the strongest objection or reason for doubt you can think of against Locke’s argument(s), and then to evaluate whether Locke might have the resources for responding to that objection or reason for doubt. On this basis, you should come to a conclusion (even if just tentative) about whether you think Locke’s distinction between primary & secondary qualities is persuasive.
Conclusion: Briefly summarize what you have accomplished in the paper.

investigating differences in M&A activity within US industries.

The research is about investigating differences in M&A activity within US industries. Three hypothesis have been developed, but can of course be improved as I think they aren"t particurarly strong.

The questions boil down to:

1. What are post-acquisition performance differences between serial acquirers (see Macias et al 2016) in different industries? A calendar time approach would be used for this, but again, open to any ideas.

2. What are the differences between serial acquirers in industries where there is "high" M&A activity? High is relative of course, so it would require some creativity from your part.

3. Last, how do patent rights within industries impact this? I.e. do strong patent rights encourage M&A transactions, due to competitors not being able to simply imitate and reproduce products from competitors?

The deadline is far away (+/- 2 months), but some progress on 2-week basis is required (e.g. one chapter). Comments and feedback from my supervisor should then be incorporated in the final version...

Hope to hear from anyone interested in doing this; it is my first time using this platform :-).

Australian Government

Instructions to Student Number of Questions: 22

General Instructions: All questions in this assessment must be attempted. Students are required to answer all questions satisfactorily in order to be deemed competent in this unit. Your responses to the questions should be sufficient in word count to demonstrate student understanding of the content.

All information and learning material to assist in completing this assessment can be found via the CONNECT learning platform for the unit BSBLEG413A Identify and apply the legal framework.

In order to provide complete answers to the following questions, you will need to refer to:

• CONNECT materials for BSBLEG413A Identify and apply the legal framework (Sections 1 and 2) and Reading 4 under ‘Other Resources’
• Corkery, JF (2002) Starting Law, 2nd edition, Scribblers Publishing, Mudgeeraba
• Sanson, M, Warswick, D & Anthony, T (2010) Connecting with Law, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, Melbourne
• Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Council (OQPC):
• QCAT website:
• Australian Institute of Criminology website – Evaluation of the Queensland Murri Court: Final Report: (search for ‘Murri Court’) or download the PDF Report directly:
• National Library of Australia, Pandora Trove (Murri Court video):
• Federal Courts website:
• Federal Magistrates Court of Australia website:
• Family Court of Australia website:
• High Court of Australia website:

• Justices Act 1886 (Qld)
• Criminal Code (Qld)
• Magistrates Courts Act 1921 (Qld)
• District Court of Queensland Act 1967 (Qld)
• Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 (Qld)
• Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Qld)
• Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (Cth) (‘The Constitution’)
• Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)
• Marriage Act 1961 (Cth)
• Federal Magistrates Court Act 1999 (Cth)

PLEASE NOTE: Legislation is accessible from the OQPC website.
Number of Attempts: You will receive up to two (2) attempts at this assessment task. Should your 1st attempt be unsatisfactory (U), your teacher will provide feedback and discuss the relevant questions with you and will arrange a date your 2nd attempt. If your 2nd attempt is unsatisfactory (U), or you fail to attend the scheduled date for a 2nd attempt, you will receive an overall unsatisfactory result for this assessment task. Only one re-assessment attempt may be granted for each assessment task, with the exception of Apprentices or Trainees who are permitted an additional supplementary assessment. For more information, refer to the Student Rules.
Submission Details Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission. Ensure you hand to your teacher in class by the due date specified.

You are to answer these questions by submitting your responses on a separate A4 document which clearly marks the question number, the question and your response. This document should also have your student details in the header/footer and be correctly referenced using the Harvard Referencing style.

An example assessment submission layout can be found in the additional resources in CONNECT.
Instructions for the Assessor This assessment consists of 22 short answer questions. Students are required to answer all questions to a satisfactory standard to be successful in this assessment. Assessors are advised to also check CONNECT for this unit to ensure students have sufficiently accessed the online material when answering these questions.

Assessors should also record the submission of the student’s assessment via an assessment submission tracking record.

This assessment covers all three Sections in the learning material available via CONNECT: Section 1: The Australian Legal System, Section 2: Australian Courts and Sources of Law, Section 3: Civil and Criminal Law.
Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

1. Explain the doctrine of separation of powers including a brief description of the role of the three (3) arms of government.
2. Explain the “Rule of Law” principal and discuss how it applies within the Australian Justice system.
3. Identify three (3) legislative powers of both the State and Federal governments respectively. Compare these legislative powers and explain why it is essential for each level of government to have different law making powers.
4. List and briefly discuss two (2) disadvantages of precedent.
5. Discuss the two (2) questions asked by judges to determine whether or not they must follow the decision made in an earlier case and provide two advantages of utilising precedent cases.
Scenario 1

One Saturday evening, before he was arrested on drug possession charges, David ‘Evil’ Keneval (38 years old) was enjoying himself at a BBQ at his neighbour’s house. After a few beers ‘Evil’ decided to enter into a conversation with his neighbour, Jack Green. Keneval and Green began by talking about football however the conversation turned to the question of refugees. The conversation quickly became very heated as Keneval’s father was a refugee and Green was a ‘bogan’ and extremely racist. Green finally lost his temper and yelled to Keneval “you and your lot should go back to where you came from”.

Keneval then lost his temper and retaliated by smashing the top off his VB stubby bottle and glassed Green in the face. The police and an ambulance were called. Green suffered from a large laceration to his right cheek requiring 80 stitches ($1,500 in medical expenses) and was unable to return to work for two months ($8,000 lost wages). He was further devastated when his girlfriend left him due to the hideous injury to his face.

The police subsequently charged Keneval with 1 x Wounding pursuant to s.323(1) of the Criminal Code which states:
(1) A person who unlawfully wounds anyone else commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty – 7 years imprisonment.

Based on the above scenario answer the following questions.
6. Explain two (2) options police have for commencing criminal proceedings against Keneval (bringing him before the court). Discuss which option you would consider is more appropriate and why.

7. Use your knowledge of the criminal justice process to explain the implications of David Kenevel entering a plea of not guilty. Explain the court process Keneval would be subject to if he chose to plead not guilty to the offence. Use the following sub-headings to structure your response.

(a) The relevant steps in the criminal court process (which courts will he appear in and why).

(b) The classification of the offence Keneval is being charged with. (Hint: Is it a crime/misdemeanour/simple offence? Is it indictable/non-indictable?)

(c) Which court has jurisdiction to hear the matter? Explain the steps you took to arrive at your final answer.
8. Use your knowledge of the criminal justice process to discuss three (3) possible court outcomes Keneval may be subject to.
9. Judge Brown heard a matter, similar to Keneval’s two months ago in the matter of R v Jones (2015). In this matter the Judge stated the following:

….Mr Jones, I have taken into consideration all of the mitigating factors, especially your background as a refugee and English as your second language when sentencing you today. However, you still lost your temper and assaulted a man using a beer bottle which resulted in serious injuries to the victim. This is unacceptable in our society and requires an appropriate punishment. As such I am sentencing you to 3 years imprisonment, wholly suspended….

With this case in mind, what do you think Mr Keneval’s sentence should be? Apply the above case to the matter at hand and justify and explain your decision. (5.3) Compare and contrast the decision R v Jones with the current matter in order to recommend an appropriate sentence.
10. Could Green (the victim in this criminal matter) pursue a civil case against Keneval? If so, discuss in detail what kind of civil action could be brought.
11. Compare and contrast the terms an act of ‘battery’ under the law of torts and the act of assault under the criminal law?
12. Compare and contrast the differences between any civil actions Green may pursue and the criminal proceedings instigated by police (outline how civil cases are different from criminal including the onus of proof required for both civil and criminal law).

(a) Which party initiates the proceedings and why?

(b) Who has the burden/onus of proof?

(c) What the standard of proof is for each matter?

13. Discuss at least two (2) advantages of having a court hierarchy.
14. Compare and contrast the QLD Courts in order of hierarchy ensuring that the maximum terms of imprisonment and civil claims amounts are included.
15. Discuss the significance of the following parts of a statute.

(a) Act Number

(b) Definitions

(c) Sections

(d) Chapters
16. Use your knowledge of the law making process to explain the six (6) steps for passing a bill.
17. Discuss each of the following common law statutory interpretations.

(a) Literal Rule

(b) Golden Rule

(c) Mischief Rule (Purposive Approach)
18. Construct a flow chart to illustrate the seven (7) steps a civil proceeding follows through Australia’s civil law system.
19. Recently, the ACT Government introduced a law allowing for marriage for same sex couples. The Commonwealth challenged that legislation.

Discuss how this conflict between the ACT and the Commonwealth legislation was resolved.
20. With reference to Scenario 1 above; the matter has proceeded to trial before a judge and jury. Discuss the role in court proceedings of the parties representing:

(a) the defendant and
(b) the crown

(c) Presuming that the case progressed to a trial before a judge and jury, discuss the role that the judge would play.

21. Discuss the role of precedent in the court’s determination of the matter.
22. With reference to the scenario above; the defendant has now been charged with “grievous bodily harm” instead of “Wounding”.

(a) Where would you find the definition of this term that the court must use?

(b) If the term was not defined in legislation, discuss where else the judge/magistrate may look for guidance when interpreting the meaning of the term and provide the legislative reference that supports this approach?

End of Assessment

Existentialism in No Exit or The Wall by Sartre


Existentialism 7. Please write a critical analysis that uses “Existentialism is a Humanism” essay to interpret/analyze Sartre’s “The Wall” or No Exit.

Content: Based on the question/statement, please explore the literary text using the philosophical theory we discussed in class. In other words, the philosophical theory should help analyze the literary text. Although you do not necessarily have to address all of the literary elements, please consider one or more of the following in your response: setting, character, plot, diction and language, style, point of view, structure, symbolism, tone. I expect the analysis to be supported by evidence from the texts and the theories discussed. I require the use of 2 outside scholarly sources, i.e. those not posted in the course folders.

Structure: The final exam essay should be logically/ thematically developed. This means that you should group elements of the text into themes. You should then analyze the themes by using the philosophical theory. The essays should contain a beginning with a thesis, a middle providing argument and support (use quotes), and an end providing further questions about the text. Example: Style: The document should be in a formal voice and tone. The essay should be both explanatory and analytic.

Quotations and Documentation: Direct textual references to support your claims are expected. If you use outside sources, please document using either MLA or APA citation styles. The final essay(s) should have your name, date, final exam in the upper corner.

Argument Paper

Definition Argument Assignment Sheet
Topics/Focus: We read (and see so many new stories) about how different kinds of foods and/or substances are healthy or unhealthy/toxic choices. Choose one of these foods or substances and write about how it is actually healthy or unhealthy: wine, chocolate, caffeine (coffee), eggs, sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or red meat. If you’d like to write about a different food/substance, be sure to discuss the matter with me before conducting a tremendous amount of research/reading.
For this assignment, write a definition argument that follows the guidelines set forth below:
Introduction Section
In this section, do the following:
• Introduce your topic, and provide background information about your topic to provide your readers with context.
• Set out the controversy surrounding your topic; show the different views surrounding your topic.
• Define your Y term. You may use a dictionary definition, and if you do, actually give the definition of the Y term.
• Write your thesis statement; the thesis statement formula is X is (is not) a Y because it has (does not have) features A, B, C (or more).
These items can be done in any order, but make sure that your content flows logically from item to item.
Also, your introduction will be one or two paragraphs in length, depending on how you choose to organize the content and depending on how much information you choose to include.
Considering the requirements above about background and a definition that you quote, there is a good possibility that you may end up using at least two sources found through research in the introduction.
Body Section
Write body paragraphs to support the reason stated in the reason part (because…) of the thesis.
Generally, when you construct a body paragraph, you begin with a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph. From there, you move into including a piece of evidence – a quote or a paraphrase from a source– that supports your idea and that provides evidence of the idea you are discussing. From there, discuss the idea using the quote or the paraphrase you included.
In addition, if a reader could logically object to one of your reasons, you must address that objection and counter argue that objection. If you address the objection in the paragraph in which you are supporting a reason, this is typically done after the paraphrase or quote you include from a source in support of the reason, and when an objection occurs, this and the counter argument that follows it make the discussion part of the paragraph. If you address an objection and counter argue the objection in a separate, following, paragraph, then make sure, in the paragraph’s topic sentence, that it’s clear to the reader that you are still discussing the same reason but acknowledging an objection to that reason.
Multiple paragraphs are necessary for the body section.
Conclusion Section
Write a one-paragraph conclusion in which you discuss the implications of the definition you created.
Provide a properly formatted References list that includes all sources you’ve used in your essay.
**Please note that you must use at least 4-5 different sources found through research for this paper
**You must use APA documentation throughout
**The final draft of this essay must be 4-6 pages in length. This does not include the title page, the abstract, and References list.