Wednesday 11 January 2017

How to Write a Personal Statement

Opening section
-Why you have chosen to study Law at LSE.
-What attracted you to this subject?
-Mention current legal issues (in my country of Saudi Arabia for example women’s rights).
-Which aspects of the subject has interested you sufficiently to want to study it at degree level. (Is there a specific area of Law that interests you? Do you plan to work in this field in the future?)
-Show your commitment to the subject. (Have you undertaken any additional reading to broaden your knowledge of the subject?)
Middle section

-Why we should offer you a place out of the 17,500+ applications we receive every year?
-How your non-related subjects (e.g. English, Biology, Business, Economics) tie in with and complement your application to study Law. (Do these subjects give you a wider understanding of Law? Alternatively they may improve your key skills, such as communication, reading, essay writing, logic or debating/arguing and how will you use them in your degree?)

-Have you undertaken wider reading around a subject, particularly in areas you will be studying at LSE? (What did you find interesting in this reading and what are your thoughts on the topics covered?)

-Have you worked at a law firm? (Did the experience give you a wider understanding of the subject? Did this work experience boost your enthusiasm to study Law? Did this experience improve any of your key skills? If so, how?)Remember to include information not only on what you've done but  also what you've gained to show motivation, skills, enthusiasm

-Extra curricular, extra achievements you’re proud of, positions of responsibility that you hold or have held both in and out of school, and attributes that make you interesting, special or unique. (mention community service, sports, academic clubs, and summer programs).  You should give a brief explanation of the activities you are involved in and how you benefit from them. Do they improve your key skills for law? If so, how? Again you should write not only what you've done in these activities, but also what you've gained from them.

Final section

-Tying together all the information you have presented. You should reiterate your interest in the course and end on a positive note.
-What you can bring/contribute to the thriving multicultural student community at LSE.
-How you want to use the knowledge and experience that you gain to help
 your future plans?

Skills to highlight:

-Ability to apply logic and follow complex lines of reasoning
-High levels of accuracy and attention to detail
-Good communication skills
-Ability to ask questions and think independently
-Intellectual curiosity
-Motivation and capacity for hard work
-Ability to read a lot (high level of literacy)
-Scholarly potential
-Enthusiasm and motivation for the academic study of Law.
-Public Speaking
-Attention to detail

-Writing skills

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