Sunday 29 January 2017

Resilience in African American pastors in St. Petersburg, Fl who have been in the ministry 10 years ore more

Assignment 2  - Chapter One: Introduction

In this unit, the first major component of your dissertation is due: Chapter One: Introduction. As you plan for completion of this chapter, it is wise to plan for at least two drafts so you have time to make revisions suggested by your chair and still submit a second draft for approval by your committee before the term ends.

Chapter one is an introduction and statement of the problem or topic to be addressed by the doctoral dissertation research. This chapter should:

  • describe the problem background (nature of the problem)
  • identify the purpose of the study
  • present the guiding research question(s) or hypotheses
  • provide the definitions of the terms
  • identify the limitations and delimitations of the study, and explain the significance of and justification for conducting the study.

After reading the chapter, the reader should be satisfied that: 

  • a case has been made for the existence of a problem or appropriateness of the topic;
  • the problem has been clearly delineated;
  • and the problem or topic has intellectual merit worthy of doctoral dissertation research.

Typically, this chapter is organized as follows:

  CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1

  Problem Background....................................................................................... #

  Purpose of the Study....................................................................................... #

  Research Questions or Hypotheses.................................................................. #

  Limitations and Delimitations.............................................................................#

  Definitions...................................................................................................... #

  Importance of the Study................................................................................... #

Consider the following Chapter 1 Evaluation Criteria
 that your chair and committee member will use as part of their evaluation of the chapter.  (View link with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.)

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Refer to the APA Handbook and Doctoral Dissertation Guide for content and formatting of this chapter. 

Save the document as U2_A2_lastname_firstname.doc and submit it to the
Chapter 1: Introduction Dropbox.
Assignment 3

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