Sunday 29 January 2017

Cyber Criminals Profiling in the UAE


The topic of Cyber Criminals profiling in the UAE is an interesting topic that takes the individual into different fields among them psychology and cyber technology. According to the research proposal done by Ms. Khadeeja Al Faqeeh, it is stated that industries are progressively putting an enormous effort to secure their cyber infrastructures by applying different set of techniques. Among them is Criminal Profiling which is also known as Offender Profiling, Psychological profiling or Criminal Personality Profiling. Which is also known as “attempting to produce a description of the perpetrator(s) of criminal offense on the basis of analysis of characteristics of the incidents”. However, Criminal profiling is majorly used to reduce the number of potential suspects and linking related crimes as well as giving investigators valuable leads to follow and providing interviews strategies which majorly used by security authority such as the military and the police. The UAE have witnessed a Cyber attack as it targeted the ministry of education by applying a website where individuals mostly teachers apply for fake jobs. It is also commonly known that the lack of research in developing cyber security could be a potential challenge in the current time.

The history of criminal profiling started on the 19th century during world war 2. A profile of Adolf Hitler was developed in order to be used for interrogation in case he was captured. In 1970’s the FBI had developed a psychological methods in addition to criminal behavior as a way to solve crimes and prevent attacks. Criminal profiling is divided into two models, one is inductive and the other is deductive. The inductive profiling is basically the usage of information from the offender database to find the offender characteristics based on correlation. While the deductive profiling is based on forensic examination and behavioral reconstruction. Deductive profiling is also known as Behavioral Evidence Analysis or (BEA). Donn Parker the author of the book “Fighting Computer Crime: A New Framework for Protecting Information” has developed a certain model known as S.K.R.A.M which stated as Skills, Knowledge, Resources, Authority and Motive of a suspected offender helps to fight computer crime. It is mainly used as a profiling tool for identifying cyber offenders and their threats.

A research of pattern of global cyber war and crime was done and it focused on two main questions. One is how hackers frame their actions and second is what factors encourage and energize their behaviors. The proposed framework on the questions were based on four main phases: psychology, economics, international relation and warfare. The conclusion of the research indicates that different countries receive different sets of attacks depending on their vulnerability aspect mentioned above. A research was concluded in university of London on the topic of “ Examination of Cyber-criminal Behaviour” indicates that using technology such as data mining can be used to develop useful profile of different offenders activities, other techniques such as entity extraction, clustering technique and deviation detection are also effective. Another study was done by the University of London on the topic of “Computer Addiction and Cyber Crime” has also illustrated that many cyber crimes can be a motive for individuals who are addicted to computers as they can be normal students or in case of employees, they are mostly those who are committed in protecting their organization against cyber crimes.


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