Monday 16 January 2017


 An essay consists of complete sentences that provide information on the
following 5 components.
w it the historical subject you are writing about. Be as specific as
possible. If your essay subject is a person, provide biographical
information about the person to fulfill this component.
WHAT: This component can respond to several kinds of questions,
depending on what you are describing. What happened? What did this
mean? What is significant about this? What is the context? More detail
results in a better grade.
WHEN: Whenever possible provide specific dates that correspond with
the subject. If it applies, provide a date range. Sometimes dates of events
that are connected to an idea will be useful.
WHERE: Provide any geographical information that is important to the
subject. Where did an event take place? Where did a movement start?
Where is a person from? To answer these questions, you might need to
provide more than one location.
WHY: To properly answer this component you must provide why you
think this is important to study and remember this subject. There is no one
correct answer; however, answers must provide analysis. This means I
am asking you to think about what happened and explain your
perspective on it. You may also provide a popular or generally accepted
explanation of why this subject is significant. If you chose to discuss
that, please note if the popular explanations align with the historical
BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. The more time you put into properly
identifying and/or explaining a subject, the more success you will have
with your essays. The length needs to be at minimum of one paragraph
per component (5). All work that you submit will be compared to
websites, student papers, and a variety of other sources to ensure that
your work is original. Cite your sources to avoid plagiarizing. Plagiarism

will not be tolerated.

You may offload the burden to the Professional academic writing services for the best quality essays.

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