Tuesday 31 January 2017

weight optimisation beam

A simply supported beam of length 2m is subjected to a load of 3000N which is evenly distributed about the centre for a length of 1.5m. The beam has a cross section of 75mm depth and 20mm width. The bar was manufactured from 2014 T6 Aluminium alloy with material properties

Tensile strength 775MN/m2
Yield strength 715MN/m2
Young’s modulus 72.4GN/m2
Poisson’s ratio 0.33

The current factor of safety (FoS) against yield for this loading condition is 8.27 but the minimum acceptable FoS is 3. It is clear that the weight of the beam can be reduced without compromising safety, however the cross sectional dimensions cannot be changed. You have been tasked with carrying out finite element analysis to reduce the weight of the beam. The criteria you have been given is that the factor of safety should not be less than 3 and maximum displacement should not exceed 10mm.

Determine suitable location(s) from where material can be removed and carry out a finite element analysis on the modified beam. Write a report on your findings and make recommendations for the next stage in optimising the design.


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