Thursday 12 January 2017

Guidelines For Writing Your CDS Essay

To obtain the 3 ECs for the CDS course the student needs to pass an individual assignment, in the form of a 4000 word essay written by Custom Research Paper WritingService.
Your essay topic must be approved by your lecturer in advance – by means of uploading your Essay Presheet before the deadline or by personal communication. In addition, your essay needs to pass an Ephorus check and be uploaded to Assignments on the course worksite before the deadline (usually Friday of Week 9).
Preconditions for submitting an essay: To be entitled to submit your essay you must meet the following preconditions:
§ Your Essay subject has been approved by your lecturer.
§ You have participated in your team presentations. If you were unable to do this an alternative assignment will be required. You have presented your personal assignments, story about prejudices and stereotypes and Worldview interview.
§ You have attended at least 80% of the classes.
Your CDS essay should demonstrate the following competencies:
§ You can apply the key concepts and theories presented during the course,
§e.g. dimensions of worldviews, stereotypes & prejudices and relevant Cultural Diversity Management (CDM) strategies, if relevant.
§ You can analyze inter-cultural complexities and demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the course. NB: Your research must be underpinned by sound academic referencing in accordance with the HTH Writing Guide (Myhotelschool > Important Documents).
 Essay Preconditions: (Required for assessment)
· Cover page (Title, CDS, date, campus, student name & number)
· Extensive evidence of research (used at least 3 academic journal articles)
· Maximum 5000 words (excluding List of References)
· Style & referencing comply with HTH Writing Guide (HTH House style)
· Essay has been uploaded in Word to Ephorus (The code = CDS_bcz)
From this block the subject matter of the essay has been opened up to include subjects not necessarily related to hospitality, but that the student deems important in the current situation. The most important element is the comparison between two cultures, nations, ethnic groups, worldviews. The countries or groups chosen should be different. For instance, Germany and The Netherlands are different but relatively close. France and Thailand are different and suitable for the essay.
The general theme of your essay can be one of the following:
·         A case related to hospitality. You imagine a professional case where different worldviews or cultures are involved. For instance, a Dutch manager goes to work to China and needs to manage staff from a completely different culture. Problems arise as result of misalignments and prejudices. How do you solve this situation? Or you go to work to Oman, and other rules apply. You need then to unravel the worldviews at stake, the stereotypes and prejudices involved, and devise a strategy to manage these differences, from the level of the staff to the level of management.
·         You can use your personal experience in dealing with other cultures, whether in a professional situation or  private one. For instance, during your internships or during your life experiences living somewhere else or working there. You can analyze what you have lived and try to make sense of the experience using the theoretical tools dealt with in class.
·         You can write about an important political, social, historical situation that you think is relevant to us all, including hospitality. For instance, many countries are suffering the consequences of terrorism, in among other terrains the tourism sector, like Turkey or Paris or Tunis. These problems have many origins, but certainly imply also a confrontation of worldviews and the presence of deep rooted stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. You analysis should delve into what you consider to be the main reasons behind these situations.

Whatever subject matter you choose, the essay should include
·         An analysis of the Worldviews involved, using the theoretical tools given in class, especially the dimensions of worldviews as explained by Ninian Smart. If you find other theoretical tools more relevant to your case, you are allowed to use them, provided they are well underpinned by research.
·         An analysis of the stereotypes and prejudices involved, using the theories explained during lessons, at least two of them. You are free to search for historical, sociological, psychological theories that you might find relevant to analyze this aspect of your essay.
·         Proposals to solve the case from a management point of view, if you have chosen a professional situation, using the concepts dealt with during lessons. If relevant, a strategy should be devised in its main outlines. If your essay is about current political situations or strictly personal experiences, you can be free to imagine possible solutions, based on the theories discussed, to any misalignment you have encountered or difficult situation you are describing.
·         A general and short final reflection about the course CDS and the insights you might have gained from following it. Highlights and eye openers could be included here.

The grading form for CDS will be provided at the end of the course. The most important aspect of your essay is the use and application of theory and the level of research conducted. The more theory you use and the more academic articles, the higher the grade. Any further questions, please don´t hesitate to ask your teachers.

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