Tuesday 31 January 2017

weight optimisation beam

A simply supported beam of length 2m is subjected to a load of 3000N which is evenly distributed about the centre for a length of 1.5m. The beam has a cross section of 75mm depth and 20mm width. The bar was manufactured from 2014 T6 Aluminium alloy with material properties

Tensile strength 775MN/m2
Yield strength 715MN/m2
Young’s modulus 72.4GN/m2
Poisson’s ratio 0.33

The current factor of safety (FoS) against yield for this loading condition is 8.27 but the minimum acceptable FoS is 3. It is clear that the weight of the beam can be reduced without compromising safety, however the cross sectional dimensions cannot be changed. You have been tasked with carrying out finite element analysis to reduce the weight of the beam. The criteria you have been given is that the factor of safety should not be less than 3 and maximum displacement should not exceed 10mm.

Determine suitable location(s) from where material can be removed and carry out a finite element analysis on the modified beam. Write a report on your findings and make recommendations for the next stage in optimising the design.


Corporate Law (Singapore Context) - Research Paper

The Court of Appeal recently released its judgment on a section 216A application in Chong Chin Fook v Solomon Alliance Management Pte Ltd [2017] SGCA 05. The court dealt with the pre-requisites for the grant of leave, including the threshold requirements for intervention by a shareholder in on-going proceedings.

Write a comment on Chong Chin Fook. You may consider the following issues:

• Whether the good faith requirement injects unnecessary complexity into the leave application;
• The relevance of conflicts of interest on the part of the parties to the threshold requirements;
• The extent to which the interests of the company requirement requires the court to also take account of whether the applicant is a proper person to take control of the proceedings;
• And whether the threshold requirements should be different if the applicant seeks to intervene in on going proceedings.


Women’s experience of acute and chronic pain following breast cancer surgery


The aim of this module is to develop the student’s ability to critically analyse published research and

Other  types of evidence and relate it to practice. Learning Outcomes of the Module

  1. Critically evaluate evidence used within the student’s field of practice

  2. Utilise knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research to provide a rationale for practice

  3. Compare and contrast different types of evidence and the appropriateness of such evidence to inform practice Indicative Module Content.

Review of evidence-based practice and the research process; how to critically evaulate sources of

evidence; critiquing different research methodologies; models and frameworks for critically

evaluating research; research design; data analysis; ethics and research governance;

involving stakeholders in research; dissemination and application of research in practice.

Choose a named model/framework/approach to critiquing research

. · Having discussed the reasons behind your choice of critiquing model/framework/approach, use it to write a detailed critical review of your chosen research article.
  • The introduction to your assignment should first identify and justify your choice of critiquing model/framework/approach and then provide a brief overview of the aims, methods and findings of your article.

  • The main part of your assignment should provide a detailed critique of your chosen article using the relevant sections/headings of your model/framework and referring to appropriate theory related to best practice in research. Within this you must demonstrate your understanding of fundamental research concepts.

  • Conclude by discussing how the skills you have developed in critically reviewing research will help you in using research findings as a basis for your practice.


Changing Nursing Practice Project Proposal

Evidence Base for the Proposed Solution

This writer was astounded by the amount of evidence-based material available related to the nursing practice problem she chose as her focus for this course.  While all the articles struck a chord deep done, the qualitative research study conducted by Lux, Hutcheson, and Peden, (2014) hit home for this nurse.  Their research brought to light the sad fact that LV is still very much a part of the nursing profession and the number one reason new graduate nurses leave the job within the first year. The study sought the advice of staff nurses to successfully prepare new graduate nurses when faced with lateral violence through educational means.  While Lux, Hutcheson, and Peden, (2014) gathered nurses from three different organizations, this nurse has begun on a smaller scale.  This nurse sought the assistance of two high-performing nurses from each shift of each of the four units that comprise her department of 130 nurses, posing the same question the authors asked in their study.



Instructions: Your proposal abstract should include the purpose and procedures with results and conclusions being added in your final dissertation, though you may present the information in whatever format you choose. The abstract should be written to serve as an Executive Summary of the dissertation. If your abstract extends to two pages, the second page is numbered at the top right as are all pages throughout the proposal or dissertation. An abstract shall not exceed 350 words and must be doubled-spaced as is the remainder of the dissertation.  Any term (or numeral) with a space on either side is counted as one word.

Effectiveness of Transcendental Teaching Styles: A Phenomenology of International Baccalaureate (IB) Graduates


Higher order critical thinking is an implied goal for all schools participating in the academic frame of the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum.  Being a gifted student enrolled in the IB does not, however, guarantee higher order thinking will be achieved.  This study will articulate, through student voice, the potential effectiveness of transcendental teaching styles in the IB system, and how that style might become the platform to attain higher orders of cognitive ability.  Embedded as a problem among the reasons for this ambition not being successfully accomplished is a possible reliance on traditional education approaches that miss the transcendent culture of ephemeral inspiration. Understanding that the IB curriculum is designed to help students’ articulate complex ideas in relevant contexts, this inquiry-based study will seek to identify unachieved higher sublimations of thought among learners exploration of ideas, questions and perspectives related to higher level critical awareness.  Therefore, the purpose of this phenomenological research study is to recognize the distinctions of transcendental learning and why higher order thinking is not being achieved within the IB.  This study will utilize qualitative research methods that focus on phenomenology as the best way to consider the descriptions of interrelated student environments providing interpretations of influences accordingly. . The research will be an inquiry- method phenomenology addressing the need to recognize student voice which may have been marginalized in practice. The end goal will be to frame the researcher’s interpretations of the participants in their day-to-day academic life. The IB graduated student  participants associated with the study will be  six  graduated IB students who will have completed college and are currently in the workplace.


Sunday 29 January 2017

Resilience in African American pastors in St. Petersburg, Fl who have been in the ministry 10 years ore more

Assignment 2  - Chapter One: Introduction

In this unit, the first major component of your dissertation is due: Chapter One: Introduction. As you plan for completion of this chapter, it is wise to plan for at least two drafts so you have time to make revisions suggested by your chair and still submit a second draft for approval by your committee before the term ends.

Chapter one is an introduction and statement of the problem or topic to be addressed by the doctoral dissertation research. This chapter should:

  • describe the problem background (nature of the problem)
  • identify the purpose of the study
  • present the guiding research question(s) or hypotheses
  • provide the definitions of the terms
  • identify the limitations and delimitations of the study, and explain the significance of and justification for conducting the study.

After reading the chapter, the reader should be satisfied that: 

  • a case has been made for the existence of a problem or appropriateness of the topic;
  • the problem has been clearly delineated;
  • and the problem or topic has intellectual merit worthy of doctoral dissertation research.

Typically, this chapter is organized as follows:

  CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.................................................................... 1

  Problem Background....................................................................................... #

  Purpose of the Study....................................................................................... #

  Research Questions or Hypotheses.................................................................. #

  Limitations and Delimitations.............................................................................#

  Definitions...................................................................................................... #

  Importance of the Study................................................................................... #

Consider the following Chapter 1 Evaluation Criteria
 that your chair and committee member will use as part of their evaluation of the chapter.  (View link with Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.)

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.Refer to the APA Handbook and Doctoral Dissertation Guide for content and formatting of this chapter. 

Save the document as U2_A2_lastname_firstname.doc and submit it to the
Chapter 1: Introduction Dropbox.
Assignment 3

Sustainability of Small Businesses Beyond Five Years

doctoral study on Sustainability of Small Businesses Beyond Five Years

“How do the cultural environments of the U.S and The Netherlands influence the goals and values of international educational  at IB schools based in those countries?”


Sub-questions to focus on:

  1. What are the values of a registered and approved IBO school in general?

  2. How can the cultural environment of the Netherlands as a country be defined?

  3. How can the cultural environment of The U.S as a country be defined?

  4. How is the international education at the Dutch IB (International school of Amsterdam) school different from the general values of an IB school?

  5. How is the international education at the International school of Amsterdam similar from the general values of an IB school?

  6. How is the international education at the Dutch IB school different from the cultural environment in the Netherlands?

  7. How is the international education at the Dutch IB school similar to the cultural environment in the Netherlands?

  8. What could be cultural reasons for the differences/ similarities regarding the values of an IB school for the Dutch IB school?

  9. How is the international education at the American IB school different from the general values of an IB school?

  10. How is the international education at the American IB school similar from the general values of an IB school?

  11. How is the international education at the American IB school different from the cultural environment in America?

  12. How is the international education at the American IB school similar to the cultural environment in America?

What could be cultural reasons for the differences/ similarities regarding the values of an IB school for the American IB school?

speaker recognition biomatrics

Biometrics overview

The term Biometrics is composed of two Greek words− Bio (Life) and Metrics (Measurements). The biometric technology aims towards establishing ones identity based on personal trials.

Each human being has unique characteristics, which makes each individual (him/her) different from one another. The unique characteristics can be categorised in to physical attributes and behavioural characteristics.  The physical attributes includes finger print patterns, hair colour, iris colour and hand geometry. While the behavioural characteristics includes the behaviours that makes a person separate from the rest such as the tone and accent of speech, the way of typing on a key board, the way they walk and finally there signature.

No Notice Emergency Operations Center Exercises/Drills




The National Emergency Management Advanced Academy (NEMAA) research project and project paper are requirements for full completion of the four course NEMAA program. The goal of the research project is to apply the advanced concepts in emergency management leadership that were studied in the NEMAA program.


NEMAA research projects may take several forms, including but not limited to:
  • Using the leadership principles from the program to implement actions or projects that help solve local organizational problems and positively impact local organizational performance; or

  • Using the advanced emergency management leadership skills developed in the program to influence and coordinate regional team actions and programs that help improve emergency preparedness at the broader regional level; or

  • Using the advanced understanding of emergency management leadership issues gained in the program to assess selected national or professional challenges and to author and propose possible new solutions to those challenges.

The research project will be documented in a final research project paper. Specifications for the research project paper and how it will be graded are provided below.

  • 8- to 14-page paper,

APA style, in Microsoft Word

        Due durinq your           class

Send via email to
  • Put into subject line of email: Paper.LastName.Month.Year of Graduation

Example: Paper.Smith.July.2017


Title page
  • Overview of Project o Introduction o Purpose Statement o What was the rationale (why you chose to do this project)?

  • Leadership Strategy o What was the Plan (how did you intend to do the project)?

  • What conditions and challenges did you have to plan for (special logistics, issues, resources, or authority limitations you needed to consider)?

Results and Findings o What happened (what did you actually do in conducting your project )? o What were the results and outcomes?
  • Lessons Learned o How did the experience affect you?

  • What else should be done (other studies, other programs, policy changes, etc) based upon what you learned in this project?

  • Summary

  • Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font

  • 1" margins

  • Page numbering at the bottom of the page, except for the title page

  • Author"s name to appear in the upper left-hand corner of each page, except for the title page


The written report criteria are listed below. Evaluators must award a "Complete" or "Incomplete" for each criterion. If the criterion is clearly accomplished in the written report, award a "Complete." If the criterion is absent, award an "Incomplete." Evaluators must provide written justification for any "Incomplete" awarded.

At the end of the criteria, evaluators will indicate the total number of "Complete" awarded, and then will indicate if the overall score for the written report is "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory." Papers must obtain at least 8 out of 14 to receive a "Satisfactory" rating.

Voltage control in distribution network with Distributed Generation(wind power generator)

Research on optimal voltage control with the presence of distributed wind power generation.
the paper objectives: to improve the voltage and reduce power loss.
paper content:
study the voltage stability
research on the impact of DG connected(analyzing the factor influencing the voltage quality)
Put forward the optimal voltage control method.
test system: IEEE 33 bus system
software: Matlab

Describe the steps necessary to develop a quality improvement plan

• Healthcare Analytics for Quality and Performance Improvement by Strome, T.L. (2013). Publisher Wiley Chapter 12 (see the attached document)
Assignment: PowerPoint presentation on Quality Improvement: (20 slides with notes, including text and graphic images using APA format with 3 citations/references)
Imagine that you have to give a presentation on quality improvement to a group of stakeholders. Use PowerPoint or a similar tool to create your presentation. Create 20-25 slides. Your slides should include text and graphic images. Be careful not to put too much information on any one slide. You can either use the note section of the tool to write down additional comments for each slide (what you would say aloud in your presentation) or you can record yourself speaking these comments. (PowerPoint, Knovio, and other slidedeck programs will allow you to make audio recordings to accompany your slides.)
Topic: You may choose between a quality improvement project with your employer OR you may use the case study below.
Choice 1 – Quality Improvement Project (student choice – employer based):
Describe what steps you would take to solve this problem. In your response include:
• Which specific QI methodology design (PDCA, FOCUS-PDCS, FADE, RI, Lean, Six Sigma, see Spath, P. L. (2013). Introduction to healthcare quality management. (2nd Ed.) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press (HAP). ISBN: 9781567935936. Chapter 5).
• Will you need team meetings? if so, who would be invited and why?
• What other steps would be taken to resolve the issue?
What improvement tool would you use to identify possible reasons for the identified problem in your department?
What improvement tool would you use to gather data to confirm the reasons for identified problem in your department?
Based on the above bullet point, what is your hypothesis as to why the problem continues to occur. What improvement tool would you use to analyze this theory?
What improvement tool would you use to prioritize the problems?
What improvement tool would you use to define the current process surrounding this issue?
To whom would you assign the task of defining roles and responsibilities for staff involved in this issue?
After redesigning the process, you need to monitor the effectiveness of your actions. What improvement tool would you use to determine whether resolution of the issue has occurred?
Choice 2 – Case Study:
Imagine you are the supervisor of the health information management (HIM) department in a large outpatient clinic. This department manages patient records. Complaints about your department are becoming more frequent and intense than in the past. Some clinic employees have complained that the HIM department takes too long to retrieve patient records. Others have expressed dismay over the rudeness of HIM staff. You decide to talk to employees throughout the clinic about the problems. The clinic’s receptionists respond to you defensively. They tell you that the HIM staff won’t answer the phone and that they want some backup when they are busy with patients. You talk to the HIM staff and they say they are being charged with more responsibilities but have no additional help. They also complain that the receptionists transfer calls that they should be handling. The clinic’s nurses are also upset with the HIM staff; they claim the department does not help them locate patient charts, causing long wait times for patients. The clinic’s physicians say they cannot assume additional tasks to alleviate the situation because their days are already chaotic.
Describe what steps you would take to solve this problem. In your response include:
• Which specific QI methodology design (PDCA, FOCUS-PDCS, FADE, RI, Lean, Six Sigma, see
• Spath, P. L. (2013). Introduction to healthcare quality management. (2nd Ed.) Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press (HAP). ISBN: 9781567935936. Chapter 5).
• Will you need team meetings? if so, who would be invited and why?
• What other steps would be taken to resolve the issue?
What improvement tool would you use to identify possible reasons for the increase in complaints about the HIM department?
What improvement tool would you use to gather data to confirm the reasons for the complaints about the HIM department?
You hypothesize that complaints spike on certain days of the week. What improvement tool would you use to analyze this theory?
The HIM staff tallies information about the causes of complaints. What improvement tool would you use to prioritize the problems?
What improvement tool would you use to define the current process for retrieving patient records?
You believe that cooperation between the clinic receptionists and HIM staff would improve if phone responsibilities were more clearly defined. To whom would you assign the task of defining roles and responsibilities for staff involved in this issue?
After redesigning the process, you need to monitor the effectiveness of your actions. What improvement tool would you use to determine whether the number of complaints has decreased?


Additional instructions: OXFORD REFERENCING.
PRESCRIBED READING TEXT Bowman, Michael, Peter Davies, and Catherine Redgwell. Lyster"s international wildlife law. Cambridge University Press, 2010. Evans, David. A history of nature conservation in Britain. Psychology Press, 1997. Fry, Michael J., ed. A manual of nature conservation law. Oxford University Press, 1995. QC, Gregory Jones, ed. The Habitats Directive: A Developer"s Obstacle Course? Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012. Reid, Colin T. Nature conservation law. W. Green/Sweet & Maxwell, 2009 Rodgers C. P. The Law of Nature Conservation. OUP White, Iain D., Derek N. Mottershead, and Steven John Harrison. Environmental systems: an introductory text. Psychology Press, 1998.

Topic should be in Advanced Reinforced Concrete theory and design (writer choice)

1- Abstract
2- Introduction (including detailed literature review and proper citation where needed)
3- Main subject.
4- tables (if needed).
5- figures (if needed)
6- Conclusion and recommendation
7- References

Mobile communications, resource management, privacy, security and regulations

What is the problem?
Mobile communications used to refer to telephony and SMS, both of which were provided by the telecommunications companies, with government access to records subject to strict legal controls.
With the expansion of mobile communications to include web browsing, gaming and other apps on smart phones, the scope for losing control of personal data has expanded exponentially. Social media is now a way of life for the majority of users and access to the Internet is regarded as a fundamental part of human rights by the UN.
This paper will explore:
- The multitude of different apps and the types of personal data they rely on to operate,
- How the app providers secure or share that data
- How much data is available, either publically or via court-ordered government interceptions
- Causes of historic breaches of security and the problems resulting in these breaches
- The potentially beneficial or harmful uses of this data by rival app providers, commercial organisations, government security forces and criminal/terrorist organisations
- The positive and negative impacts of changing the current regulations surrounding personal data

Chinese in New York: The Representation of Chinese Culture at the China Institute of America

Main Literature

Bennett, Tony. “The Exhibitionary Complex.” In The Birth of the Museum. London: Routledge, 1995.

Du Gay, Paul, Stuart Hall, Linda Janes, Hugh McKay, and Keith Negus. Doing Cultural Studies: The Story of the Sony Walkman. London: SAGE in Association with The Open University, 1997.

Duncan, Carol. “The Art Museum as Ritual.” In Civilizing Rituals: inside public art museums London and New York: Routledge, 1995.

Ferguson, Bruce W. “Exhibition Rehtorics: Material Speech and Utter Sense.” In Thinking About Exhibitions, ed. Reesa Greenberg, Bruce W. Ferguson and Sandy Nairne. London and New York, 1996.

Lidchi, Henry. “The Poetic and the Politics of Exhibiting Other Cultures.” In Ivan Karp and Steven Lavine, Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991.

Master"s Thesis Dance Movement Therapy Proposal

1. El Proyecto
1.1 Extensión aproximada: 6-8 páginas (2000-2500 palabras)
1.2 Apartados
a. Título (y, eventualmente, subtítulo).
b. Presentación (breve exposición- contextualización de la relación personal con el tema y del interés por el mismo)
c. /Introducción, incluyendo los siguientes apartados:
a. Motivación y justificación del trabajo, atendiendo a su pertinencia, utilidad y relevancia en los planos teórica, empírica, metodológica, práctica o artística (valor añadido del trabajo).
b. Descripción del ámbito general, del campo específico y del tema concreto de trabajo. Incluye un breve resumen de lo que hay y de lo que se conoce actualmente sobre el tema.
c. Pregunta o problema que orientan la investigación o intervención.
d. Objetivos generales y (eventualmente) específicos.
e. En el caso de un proyecto de investigación empírica o de intervención práctica, descripción de los resultados esperados (hipótesis de trabajo).
f. Referencias bibliográficas.
d. Método (camino y procedimiento para lograr los objetivos propuestos).
a. Atendiendo a su naturaleza (teórica, empírica, práctica, etc.), describirá esquemáticamente los aspectos referidos a diseño, participantes, técnicas de recogida y de análisis de la información, instrumentos, etc., con mención de recursos disponibles y aplicables
b. Plan (cronograma) de trabajo (con calendario de actividades).
e. Referencias bibliográficas, Webgráficaso, etc.

The Socio-political Impact of Digital News Platform

Brief Introduction  includeing Research Questions.
The Ontological and Epistemological basis of your Research – this should mainly be about your epistemological assumptions. Look back at your Organisation Theory text (or to a Research Methodology text) to give you a clearer idea of what these terms actually mean
Your Methodology: Here you should include your understanding of qualitative/interpretivist methodologies and why it is important to your research. In this part you could also include mention. Your methodology section could also include a mention of how you are going to use some Quantitative Research. Your methodology section should also include something about ‘Case Study’ research
Your Research Design – As I have mentioned to you before your research design section should take the issues in your methodology section and show how you are designing your overall research. You have done this in the chapter you sent me.
Your Research Methods: Here you would include a detailed account of your actual methods (e.g. semi structured interviews etc.) and give an account of why, when where you are going to apply them.
Analysis: How are you going to analyse the materials when you have collected them
Conclusion to the Chapter

Cognitive Enhancement in with RecalMax™, a Dietary Supplementation with a Nutrient Blend Containing L-Arginine, L-Citrulline and Bioperine

Indications and usage
• Dietary supplement to maximize the benefits of Nitric Oxide (NO)
Mechanism of Action

• The active ingredients in RecalMax™ are L-Arginine and L-Citrillune which serves as a substrate for Nitric Oxide (NO) generation.
• Patented Bioperine® is added to the formulation to increase absorption of both ingredients.
• NO exerts its biological action on smooth muscle by increasing cGMP which leads to vasodilation and increased blood flow in the brain and genitals
Dosing and administration
• Packaged in individual capsules for oral dosing
• Take 1 capsule twice daily. Do not exceed 6 capsules daily
Effect of Supplement
• Increased cognitive function in men and women including:
115% increase in the Recall of Words and Names
49.5% increase in Maintaining thoughts when distracted
35% increase in processing speed
Key Clinical Trial and Results
• One 4 month US clinical survey study, November 2012
• 152 patients(69 men and 83 women) were enrolled for the study. Over 70% were age 40 and older.
• Significant improvement in memory and learning endpoints.
Adverse reactions & Precautions
• Dry mouth, requires at least 62 Oz of water daily
• Sleep disturbance if taken late afternoon
• Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women

Berlusconi"s bounce; Italy"s regional elections

Europe: Berlusconi"s bounce; Italy"s regional elections Author: Anonymous ProQuest document link Abstract: The regional elections on March 28th and 29th made a few things clear about today"s Italy. The most obvious is that it is not France. Defying many predictions, the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, did not receive a trouncing of the kind that Nicolas Sarkozy had suffered just a week earlier. Of the 13 regions that were at stake, Mr Berlusconi"s conservative People of Freedom (PdL) movement won six, a gain of four from the left. This was a strong performance by the prime minister. The opposition seemed to have everything going in its favour. One poll conducted two weeks before the election predicted that the left might hold all but one of the 11 regions it won in 2005. Yet this was still a disappointing result for the left. It lost four of its 11 governorships, and might have lost another, Puglia, had the right there held together. Links: Request this item through ILL, Check Full Text Finder for Full Text Full text: A surprisingly good result for Italy"s prime minister THE regional elections on March 28th and 29th made a few things clear about today"s Italy. The most obvious is that it is not France. Defying many predictions, the prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, did not receive a trouncing of the kind that Nicolas Sarkozy had suffered just a week earlier. Of the 13 regions that were at stake, Mr Berlusconi"s conservative People of Freedom (PdL) movement won six, a gain of four from the left. This was a strong performance by the prime minister. The opposition seemed to have everything going in its favour: a string of sex scandals involving Mr Berlusconi last year; a display of extraordinary ineptitude by the PdL in late February when it failed to present its list of candidates on time in Lazio, the region that includes Rome; and an economic crisis that has seen GDP fall by 5.1% and destroyed more than 400,000 jobs. One poll conducted two weeks before the election predicted that the left might hold all but one of the 11 regions it won in 2005. The Democratic Party (PD), Italy"s main opposition group, claimed to have drawn nearer to the PdL in total votes, although the gap between the two biggest parties was still reckoned to be almost four percentage points, close to the figure in the 2008 general election. And the left could claim that its vote was eroded in at least one marginal region by the Five-Star Movement, an outfit led by Beppe Grillo, an anti-Berlusconi comedian and blogger. Mr Grillo"s party had a good first outing, winning 7% of the vote in the left"s traditional heartland of Emilia-Romagna. Yet this was still a disappointing result for the left. It lost four of its 11 governorships, and might have lost another, Puglia, had the right there held together. In Campania, the region around Naples, the left"s share of the vote plunged from 62% to 43%--a damning judgment on its ten years in charge of the local administration. The left also failed to keep hold of Lazio, despite fielding a strong candidate there: Emma Bonino, a former minister and European commissioner. What went wrong? The mainstream opposition seems still incapable of capitalising on the dissatisfaction felt towards the government by many voters, especially the young. Instead of backing the PD or the smaller, feistier Italy of Principles (IDV) movement, many voters stayed at home. Only 64% bothered to vote, almost eight points less than five years ago. And contrary to expectations, the right was not the only victim of the low turnout. The other explanation for the turnaround is even more disquieting for the left. Two weeks before the voting, Mr Berlusconi took to the hustings, and his personal charisma may have tilted the balance. The prime minister was 29 January 2017 Page 1 of 3 ProQuest not slow to draw conclusions, reportedly telling aides that in Lazio he had wrought a "sort of miracle". But there were two clouds on the horizon. First was the success of his ally, Umberto Bossi, whose populist and xenophobic Northern League won 13% of the vote, up from 8% at the general election, and took control of two northern regions, Veneto and Piedmont. Mr Bossi promptly announced that he would press for greater financial autonomy for the north as the price of his continued support for the government. This is unlikely to be the last demand he will make of the prime minister. The second cloud was the defeat in Venice of Mr Berlusconi"s bubbly public-administration minister, Renato Brunetta. Mr Brunetta had hoped to become mayor because he wanted to promote his ambitious plans to rescue the city from decline. Now he will not get the chance. Mr Berlusconi will doubtless see these results as a mandate for his continued attacks on the prosecutors and magistrates who have been pursuing him since before he entered politics 16 years ago. He may also feel emboldened to relaunch his plans for a presidential form of government. How far he can proceed down both these roads will now depend less on the opposition than on Mr Bossi.

Research study pressure ulcer prevention


Page 1:
PICOT format research question on prevention of pressure ulcers using pressure ulcer prevention bundles:
p: Population is geriatric patient 70 or older/Problem pressure ulcers for bedridden patients
I: Intervention. Using pressure ulcer prevention bundles
C: Comparison to q2 hour turing prevention
O: Outcome: Out come is less complications and loss of skin integrity from pressure ulcers.
Second page: Chose an research journal article from a United States nursing journal that would support this topic.
Summarize this article 200-400 words as such.
Include the APA reference note.
Craft a 100-150 word summary of the research. Research/Study
Describe the design of the relevant research or study in the article. Methods
Describe the methods used, including tools, systems, etc.
Identify the population and
the setting in which the study was conducted. Findings/Results
Identify the relevant findings, including any specific data points that may be of interest to your EBP project.

Describe the independent and dependent variables in the research/study. Implication for Practice
Articulate the value of the research to the EBP project your group has chosen.

Page 3:
Chose a second research journal article and use the same summary format as above.

Please use United Stated based journals such as AJN or others for this project.
I will need copies of the articles that are chosen and used.
This is a short three part assignment with a research question and then summaries of two supporting research articles.

Community Health Nursing Task 1

Competency 7019.1.1: Epidemiology - The graduate applies principles of epidemiology to the assessment of the healthcare needs of communities.
Competency 7019.1.5: Environmental Health - The graduate assesses the impact of the environment on the health of the community.
Competency 7019.1.8: Cultural Competency - The graduate analyzes social and cultural factors that affect the care of diverse populations.


More emphasis is being placed on healthier communities as changes are occurring in the fields of healthcare financing, policy, and focus. One of the primary roles of a community health nurse is to assess the community or population in order to determine its health status in relation to its assets and needs.


A. Identify an appropriate community for which there is published data available (county, state, or national data) that will support the diagnosis.

B. Assess the health needs and risks of the identified community by utilizing the following tools:

Note: The collection of this data should include a variety of data sources, such as focus groups with older adults and/or youth, epidemiological data from the health department or department of vital statistics, investigations of community resources from stakeholders or faith-based organizations, and/or surveys. You do not have to answer every question listed in the assessment tools. Each of these tools can be found either in the web links section or as an attachment to this task.
• Population Economic Status Assessment

• Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory

• Cultural Assessment Tool

• Disaster Assessment and Planning Guide

• Windshield Survey

• Population Health Scavenger Hunt

Note: The name of each of the six tools should be identified in the needs assessment summary, along with a brief summary of how each of the six tools was used in the needs assessment.
1. Interpret the collected data using concepts of epidemiology and health determinants (e.g., birth rate, death rate, rates of disease, morbidity).

C. Formulate an appropriate community diagnosis for the selected community by doing the following (suggested length of 4–6 pages):

1. Identify the top three problems for the selected community based on the Healthy People 2020 goals.

a. Discuss the problems in relation to the Healthy People 2020 goals.

2. Select one of the problems identified in part C1 that you would like to investigate further, and do the following:

a. Discuss community resources (e.g., Public Health Department, American Red Cross, American Heart) that are available to address this problem.

3. Formulate a primary prevention topic based on the problem you identified in part C2.

A Pavement Maintenance Policy using Markovian Decision Model with Discounted Roadway User Cost: A Case Study of Washington, DC


Due to the rapid deterioration of today’s pavements and its effect on the flow of traffic and environment, there is a need to investigate the effect of pavement distress on roadway, hence identify effective maintenance stratagems. Forecasting the rate of deterioration of the pavement is very uncertain and modeling uncertainty needs at least some kind of optimization technique such as the Markov decision modeling process. Pavement is one of the most important elements in transportation infrastructure system which makes it also very important to be kept in good condition by executing periodical maintenance. An effective pavement management system (PMS) must be considered to achieve a good maintenance system. Due to the need and limited availability of funds allocated to projects and its environmental impacts such as pollution and traffic congestions, the issue of deciding whether or not to do maintenance of the highway infrastructure always arises.

Alternatively, the smoothness and/or roughness of the pavement in terms of the condition, can be affected by vehicle speeds. With pavement roughness affecting vehicle speeds hence negatively affecting the ride quality of the road users, there is a need for routine maintenance of the roadway pavement in order to maintain its best quality and purpose. The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between vehicle speed and the pavement roughness, hence the development of an optimum road maintenance policy.

The pavement roughness measurement used in this study is the International Roughness Index (IRI). IRI data were obtained from the District Department of Transportation (DDOT). Speed data were also obtained from District Department of Transportation (DDOT). The optimum road maintenance policy was developed using effective data mining techniques. The data mining techniques included transition probability matrix that was developed for different states of road surface distress, their associated net economic value, and a markovian decision model that was formulated as a method of solution for the policy. There were two steps involved in developing the optimum road maintenance policy: (1) verifying that the IRI values have an impact on vehicle speeds of a particular road segment and (2) actual development of the policy improvement model. The results from the analysis indicated an increase in the mean speed value from roads in severely poor condition to roads in either poor, fair or good condition and therefore a decrease in cost. The findings of this research and the development of a maintenance policy improvement model could help in a cost-effective way of maintaining the road and also help agencies to properly allocate roadway maintenance funds in the intention of reducing the economic and environmental impacts associated with pavement roughness.



Pullman Car Company

Business during the Industrial Revolution: Paged Research Paper on Pullman Palace Car Co. with Intext Citations and Works Cited. The Pullman Palace Car Co. is the company you are writing about.

Implementation plan, strategic control and contingency plan analysis.

Individual Assignment: Strategic Plan, Part 4: Implementation Plan, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plan Analysis

Purpose of Assignment

Part 4 of the Strategic Plan moves into the next phase which includes implementation, strategic controls, and contingency plans.  In previous weeks, students explored strategies, and environments, and they now move into plans for actually implementing their ideas and controlling the quality, and planning for the unknown.

Institution of global governance specifically ICC


Court 5

1.0      Abstract 5

2.0 Introduction. 5

2.1 Background. 5

2.3 Prerequisite to Trial at the ICC.. 8

3.0 Problems and Hypothesis. 9

3.1 The purpose of the study. 10

3.2 Research Questions of the Study. 11

3.3. Description of Material and Sources. 11

4.0 Research Methodologies. 12

4.1 Data collection. 12

4.2 Data analysis. 12

4.3 Defining Central Concept 13

4.4 Delimitations. 14

4.5 Limitation of the Study. 15

5.0 Theoretical Framework. 15

5.1 Introductions. 15

5.2 Functions of legitimacy assessments. 18

6.0 Analysis. 19

6.1 The ICC and the politics of prosecutions. 19

6.2 International justice: Law and Politics. 23

6.3 Selective Prosecution and the Legitimacy of the ICC.. 29

6.4 Legitimacy and Jurisdiction. 30

6.5 Global Democracy. 32

6.6 Characteristics of standard of legitimacy. 33

6.7 Moral disagreement and Uncertainty. 35

6.8 Fundamental criteria. 36

6.9 Gravity and legitimacy. 38
  1. 10 ICC for Africa. 39

6.11 Problem of determinacy. 41

6.12 The problem of coherence. 42

6.13 Problems of adherence. 43

7.0 Recommendations. 45

8.0 Conclusion. 49

9.0 References. 51


Caring for Populations: Milestone1: Community Windshield Survey Form

Criteria Your response
1. Introduction of Community (20 points)
Identify the city and state of your community and briefly describe the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting but must include a residential area. Demographic data are not needed. The village of Liverpool, NY is located next to Syracuse, NY on the north shore of Onondaga Lake. The area is very lively in the summer time with the Onondaga Parkway in the center of town that attracts a lot of activities and events. Many restaurants and shops line the streets and you will see many people walking around enjoying the sites. There are several large college campuses located close by as well. There are many apartment complexes located throughout Liverpool supplying housing for middle to low income families.
2. Windshield Survey (75 points)
a. Vitality: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the community vitality. While driving around you can see even in the winter time many people out walking and running. Many are accompanied by dogs. There are usually more elderly people out walking, but with the winter cold being here they tend to stay indoors. A lot of young families in their 20s-30 with elementary aged children live in this immediate area. A pretty equal blend of African American and Caucasian people make up the majority of the population. You see a few people waiting for the bus at one of the many frequent bus stops. For the most part the individuals seen look clean and healthy. There are a few people with walkers waiting for the bus or for their rides to pull up in front of stores. Residents are well nourished to obese and are dressed properly for the temperatures outside currently. There aren’t many visitors and tourists in the winter months, but as soon as summer hits this is a tourist area. Since this is a college area you will see individuals who are under the influence of alcohol, but unless it’s a sporting event you will only see that at night. There are many pregnant woman in the area and many young children still in strollers and car seats.
b. Indicators of social and economic conditions: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the social and economic conditions.
Overall the conditions of the homes in the area are very well kept. Directly in the town of Liverpool are single family homes. As you make your way to the edges of the town are all the apartment complexes. This is where the middle to low income families live. This also includes many students and transient people. There are little to no dilapidated buildings in this area. I do believe there was a large clean up movement about ten years ago and this area has been well maintained ever since. Most households have at least one car. You do see many people riding the public buses and also waiting for taxis. The bus stops in the area are usually just a sign with no bench or shelter above to help people escape from the elements. There are Medicaid cabs available to those who are applicable for those services. There are many jobs in this area. There are many restaurants all close by and on bus routes. Same with small locally owned businesses and large corporate stores. There is also America’s second largest mall just down the road that offers thousands of jobs to locals. There are also many hospitals in the area that as well offer many jobs of all types accepting any level of skill and education. There are also several large factories that are perfect for people with little to no education or training. You can usually find at least one to two homeless people out on the streets holding signs generally by the major roads and intersections. You don’t find large groups of people standing around unless one of the local schools just let out and children are walking home together. This is not a rural area there are no farms or crops nearby. There are some in towns close by and that’s where you will find the seasonal workers and laborers. There are not woman walking the streets in the day or night. The yards are still full of Trump signs left over from the election this past year. There are advertisements on signs and by radio of the local urgent cares and clinics. There are many public schools in the area. The only day care facilities I noticed were those ran out of homes by parents, not businesses.

c. Health Resources: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the health resources. There are 5 hospitals all within 5-10 minutes of Liverpool. They each specialize in something from high risk deliveries to heart and orthopedic surgery. One of these hospitals is a VA supporting our local veterans. There are also local clinics and urgent care offices for people without insurance or with children that are unable to get to the hospitals. There are also family planning services associated with these clinics. We are very lucky to have specialists and generalists serving our community. There are dialysis centers and labs locally as well. There are elderly homes that are very well cared for located centrally. There aren’t many places for the homeless to get treatment, shelter, and food at least not very locally. There are several clothing donation centers and blood donation centers in the area. There are also many pharmacies all accepting different insurances carriers. All of these facilities are easy to get to by public transportation as well. This area is very well taken care of with the accessibility of health care resources.
d. Environmental conditions related to health: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the environmental conditions. You don’t see evidence of high pollutants in the area. Housing areas are kept clean and manageable. The roads do have large pot holes, but again with it being the winter months the plows tear the roads up and then in the spring they are addressed and filled. Since so many people walk in this area the sidewalks are well maintained and there are adequate curbs and traffic lights. They have even recently put in two more lights in high risk areas that the town voted on. Some of our roads are very high traffic and can back up at high travel points of the day. Our roads are for the most part main roads so they aren’t very curvy. We have several gyms throughout the community including a brand new YMCA. There are many play grounds that you can guarantee no mater winter or summer there will be many children gathered at after school. There aren’t really any alleys in this area and the roads are far too busy for children to play in them. They have so many local parks that they tend to just go there. There are also grassy common areas large enough for football games. There is a large free skate park at the parkway and baseball diamonds. There are restaurants all over the area from mom and pop shops to large chains. There are no food trucks or street vendors. There are trash cans properly located on the sidewalks and outside businesses as with public restrooms at the parks. You may see a cat running around now and then but other than dogs on leashes and squirrels you don’t see many animals. Certain times of the year gnats and mosquitos can get bad around the lake side.
e. Social functioning: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the social functioning. You do notice many single parent families. This was a hard thing to observe, but it did seem that the families at the parks were interactive with their kids and did keep a good eye on them. They were making sure they were disaplined when necessary. There are community type things around such as park groups and flower committees. I am not on any of these but have heard of them so I am unaware of what really is available. I do know at the library your see tons of things to get people involved in the community. A lot of book clubs and church meetings. There is a high police presence in the area so there is no neighborhood watch. The amount of churches and the vast diversity amongst the religions is great. There is a religious building on almost every corner, but they all seem to live cohesively.
f. Attitude toward healthcare: Use a majority of the questions from Box 6-2 in your text to describe your observations about the attitudes toward healthcare. For the most part this is a big western medicine area. There doesn’t seem to be a large practice of folk medicine. There are refugee camps close by that will sometimes bring different cultural things to the hospitals but it’s not very prominent in the public eye. I would say the health resources are underutilized in this area. I don’t believe [people take advantage of preventative medicine nearly enough in this area especially with everything that’s her to offer. There are many educational and preventative seminars, but either they aren’t publicly attended because of lack of interest or lack of knowledge. The hospitals do each take their turn addressing the public on what all they each have to offer.
3. Vulnerable population (20 points) Describe a vulnerable population or aggregate that you identified during your survey. What did you observe about this group such as their appearance and actions? I would say that the homeless population is one of the vulnerable populations we have. You always know on certain streets no matter the weather outside there will be homeless men and woman walking around with their signs. They are generally very friendly and some of them just want a friendly word, but there aren’t many resources available to them. There are shelters, but not close by. They would have to travel at least 10-15 min by car to a shelter. I’m not sure how feasible this is for these people. Also you will notice where homeless people are sleeping under over passes and bridges.
4. Conclusion (20 points)
Provide a summary of your findings. Describe several potential community health problems for the vulnerable population that you identified. For the most part Liverpool is a very well kept area. There are many resources for a wide variety of people. The community clean up that took place here several years ago was a success and has been maintained. There are some concerning areas such as the condition of the bus stops and the abundance of homeless people and lack of resources assessable to them. Pneumonia, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, dehydration, malnutrition all are serious complications this population could face.
5. References:
References are not required for this survey: If you used references, they must be listed in APA format. If you include any references here, you must also include an in-text citation (author, year) in the body of the form.

Cyber Criminals Profiling in the UAE


The topic of Cyber Criminals profiling in the UAE is an interesting topic that takes the individual into different fields among them psychology and cyber technology. According to the research proposal done by Ms. Khadeeja Al Faqeeh, it is stated that industries are progressively putting an enormous effort to secure their cyber infrastructures by applying different set of techniques. Among them is Criminal Profiling which is also known as Offender Profiling, Psychological profiling or Criminal Personality Profiling. Which is also known as “attempting to produce a description of the perpetrator(s) of criminal offense on the basis of analysis of characteristics of the incidents”. However, Criminal profiling is majorly used to reduce the number of potential suspects and linking related crimes as well as giving investigators valuable leads to follow and providing interviews strategies which majorly used by security authority such as the military and the police. The UAE have witnessed a Cyber attack as it targeted the ministry of education by applying a website where individuals mostly teachers apply for fake jobs. It is also commonly known that the lack of research in developing cyber security could be a potential challenge in the current time.

The history of criminal profiling started on the 19th century during world war 2. A profile of Adolf Hitler was developed in order to be used for interrogation in case he was captured. In 1970’s the FBI had developed a psychological methods in addition to criminal behavior as a way to solve crimes and prevent attacks. Criminal profiling is divided into two models, one is inductive and the other is deductive. The inductive profiling is basically the usage of information from the offender database to find the offender characteristics based on correlation. While the deductive profiling is based on forensic examination and behavioral reconstruction. Deductive profiling is also known as Behavioral Evidence Analysis or (BEA). Donn Parker the author of the book “Fighting Computer Crime: A New Framework for Protecting Information” has developed a certain model known as S.K.R.A.M which stated as Skills, Knowledge, Resources, Authority and Motive of a suspected offender helps to fight computer crime. It is mainly used as a profiling tool for identifying cyber offenders and their threats.

A research of pattern of global cyber war and crime was done and it focused on two main questions. One is how hackers frame their actions and second is what factors encourage and energize their behaviors. The proposed framework on the questions were based on four main phases: psychology, economics, international relation and warfare. The conclusion of the research indicates that different countries receive different sets of attacks depending on their vulnerability aspect mentioned above. A research was concluded in university of London on the topic of “ Examination of Cyber-criminal Behaviour” indicates that using technology such as data mining can be used to develop useful profile of different offenders activities, other techniques such as entity extraction, clustering technique and deviation detection are also effective. Another study was done by the University of London on the topic of “Computer Addiction and Cyber Crime” has also illustrated that many cyber crimes can be a motive for individuals who are addicted to computers as they can be normal students or in case of employees, they are mostly those who are committed in protecting their organization against cyber crimes.


Understanding the Rise in Periodontal Litigation.Is it set to Continue?


The work requires working knowledge of the periodontal disease process and the evidence base for best-practice assessment and management as well as having an understanding of the legal and regulatory systems as they currently apply in the four devolved regions of the United Kingdom – additional knowledge of the contracts applicable to the provision of treatment might also be relevant.
Please see the attachment, Review checklist and then see the suggested articles. In them the specifications and the sections needed are stated clearly. I do need more current (2013-2017) and relevant research journal articles for the sections. The GDC, BDA and PSA websites maybe good places to find information on cases and regulation.
British Society of periodontology may be a good place also.
Famous names in periodontal dentistry are: Listegarten, Ian Chapel, Tonneti, Drisko, Costerton, Ismail et al (smoking),
It needs to be focused answering the question,be uniform,logically laid out, concise and accurate. The writing style and spelling needs to be British English,very academically objective not at all subjective.Need to have consulted widely recognized and acknowledged literature, debate, arguments and practices in the field.
-Substantiate any statements made
-Sign post to related work and prior publications
-Enable accuracy of information, usefulness and relevance
-Credit work appropriately
-Review the sources of your information Statements need to be evidenced and opposing views are needed to show a analysis and discussion.

I have attached some writing I ordered unfortunately although the writer is very talented it did not recieve good feedback e.g the data was not current enough e.g 2006, style was too subjective undertones of opinions not backed up, limited in exploring the reasons for the rise, the implications of this on Dental Hyienists and how to avoid.
I really look forward to working with you.
Even if a draft can be submitted Monday 12am then I can get some feedback and we can work on it more to get it to a very good pass during the week.

ITO Challenges and Opportunities

Abstract1. IntroductionSet the scene and problem statement. Introduce structure of thesis, state contributions (3-5 pages).2. BackgroundDemonstrate wider appreciation (context). Provide motivation. The problem statement and the motivation state how you want the PhD to be judged - as engineering, scientific method, theory, philosophy etc, here I want it to be more engineering and application orientated.3. Related WorkSurvey and critical assessment. Relation to own work.4-6. Analysis, design, implementation and interpretation of results7. Critical assessment of own workState hypothesis, and demonstrate precision, thoroughness, contribution, and comparison with closest rival.8. Further Work9. Summary Conclusions

Eight Important Features of Observation Research

You are in a funny place when you observe others in their natural setting.  The very fact that you are present means the setting is no longer their natural setting.  It is their natural setting plus you.  And they know why you are there and they are self conscious about your presence.  They will act differently because of you.  In addition, as a human being, you will have human reactions to the things people say and do that may be irrelevant to the study you are conducting, but that will nonetheless feel important and significant to you.  Here are some of the things you need to do/consider as you engage in observation research.
When you observe, you are a part of the situation, but you are not normally there.  What people say and do in your presence, therefore, may be different from what they would normally say or do.  For instance, if a classroom teacher knows you are interested in student engagement in mathematics she may be more likely to teach toward engagement when you are present than she normally would.
Psychologists call this the Primacy effect. Your initial impressions of a scene or person can have a distorting effect on later judgments.  Stick around long enough to get over these.
3.  You will have an emotional response
.  .  .  to the person or people you are observing.  If your initial response is to like or dislike a teacher you are observing, you will be inclined to judge all other aspects of that person's performance either positively or negatively.  So, for instance, a teacher who is caring is perceived to also be effective in teaching mathematics.  Don't fall for that inference.  Sometimes people you hate are actually pretty good at what they do and kids may like them too.
Often observers are impressed with particular moments they observe-- student insights, perhaps, or clever teacher moves.  These moments are special, and they are real, but they may not be typical or representative of what normally occurs in that classroom.
5. You cannot assume the events you observe are similar to those you don't see
You may observe, say, a reading lesson or a math lesson, and assume that what you see typifies how things work throughout the day.  Or you may schedule all your observations on Monday, not realizing that students behave differently on Mondays than they do on other days of the week.  To be sure your interpretation of events makes sense, you need to sample events across different times, subjects, schools, teachers, or whatever dimensions are relevant to your study.
6. You will succumb to confirmation bias
One of the most difficult aspects of human nature is that we tend to seek only evidence that confirms our own prior ideas.  This is called a confirmation bias.  The secret to good observational research is to seek out counter-examples.  If you expect, for instance, teachers to take a custodial point of view, make an effort to find instances that defy this expectation, so that you can learn more about when they do and when they don't behave in certain ways.  If you expect them to represent a subject with a particular bias, search for examples of an opposing bias. 
7. You are always missing something important 
Understanding classroom dynamics requires you to follow the main story line.  However, it is easy to become distracted and miss important cues.  For instance, you may be focusing on one student while the teacher is focusing on another one, so that you will likely misconstrue the teachers' behavior or intentions.  Or events may happen very rapidly, and you will miss an important detail.
8. You will  change your own focus over time
As you spend more time observing, you will begin to see things differently than you did at first.  You may attend less to events that you consider routine, and more to unusual events.  Or you may become interested in new questions.  When this happens you will discover that your early observation notes are inconsistent with your later notes, making it difficult for treat them equally during analysis.   Plan on such changes.  Devise a method for tracking your own thinking.  One strategy frequently used is to write memos to yourself, or to write new hypotheses regularly.  Be sure to date these, because later, when you try to analyze your data, you may realize that all the notes you took before a certain revelation won't contain evidence about that idea because you hadn't thought to look for evidence about that yet.  Or, conversely, perhaps those earlier notes will provide a test for a hypothesis that you didn't think of until later on.
For help on how to manage observations and make them as fair as possible take a look at my page on controlling your Self and also my page on labeling the things you see and tips on observing.

© Graduate Researchers, 2006

Friday 27 January 2017

Features To Look For When You Buy an Essay Online

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Having this information goes a long way in helping you make an informed choice. Therefore, next time you are looking for a custom research paper writing service, ensure it offers the options discussed above. This can give you an assurance of getting quality service.

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You should start by sending inquiries to various academic writing sites. This helps you in two ways. The first is that you get the information you request for and the second is that you gauge the responsiveness of the sites. The sites that offer a fast response are likely to have shorter turnaround times with your assignment.

The queries you send can vary in substance depending on what you need to know. However, the most common request to make at the first instance is a quote. This helps you determine whether it is in an acceptable price range. You can even ask if you are eligible for discounts so that you can lower your costs when you buy an essay online.

Once you have an idea of some of the sites you buy essay papers online from, you need to compare their policies. Transparency should be key when handling any online transactions. Thus, the sites should display their policies prominently so that you know what you are getting into. There are certain elements of policy that you should pay particular attention to as discussed in the subsequent sections.

Privacy is a fundamental concern for many people when it comes to online activities. If personal information is not handled in an appropriate manner, it can fall into the wrong hands. This can lead to fraud, abuse, identity theft, and all manner of illegal activities. Therefore, you need to buy economics assignment online from sites that have clear policies on safeguarding privacy.

In academic circles, plagiarism is a serious crime. Even if it is not detected by the professor in the initial grading of the paper, it is possible to be identified later on. This is especially the case for those pursuing postgraduate studies whose academic works are reviewed for many years to come. Therefore, in order to save yourself from future embarrassment, you should use a site that has a clear anti-plagiarism policy.

The final policy to be on the lookout for regards revisions. Sites aim at ensuring that when you buy assignment writing service online, you get 100% satisfaction with the work. This means that the writers are willing to revise the paper as many times as possible till it gets to your satisfaction. The revisions are mostly free of charge if they stick within the original instructions issued to the writer.

When it comes to time to buy an essay online, you will find that this information can help ease the process. It is a straightforward activity that frees up your time so that you can do other more important things. All you need to do is follow the basic steps and wait for your paper to be delivered.

Given access to the same facts, how is it possible that there can be disagreement between experts in a discipline?

Get your TOK essay professionally completed


The title of my essay is (make sure you write it exactly as it appears in the prescribed titles)

“Given access to the same facts, how is it possible that there can be disagreements between experts in a discipline? Develop your answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

My “core” knowledge issue is:


My opening “position” with regard to my core knowledge is:


Examples I will use (taken from a REAL-LIFE situation where possible are)


Other knowledge issues leadings from y core KNOWLEDGE ISSUE are:





Possible counter arguments against my opening “position” could include:

Introduce counter arguments HERE

Quality Assignment Writing Service and Online Help


graduateresearchers.com https://chat.whatsapp.com/AmkgFgkedUN79xdpxssPAX We have academic experts handling student papers for several years now and have written in nearly every topic imaginable. Our writers are proficient with most of the common university referencing standards such as APA, HARVARD, MLA and can deliver you stunning papers that is professionally written from one of our writers. We strictly follow your marking criteria and all our papers are comprehensively researched to achieve the best possible mark. We are able to handle nearly any subjects however the popular ones we offer are Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Economics, Nursing, Law (Corporate, Criminal, Constitutional, Employment), Social Studies, Education, Psychology, Childcare, History, Politics, SPSS, HRM We can do your essays, case studies, reports, research projects, term paper, dissertation, bibliography, proposals, PowerPoint presentations etc.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Communications Technologies / Photographic, Film, and Video Technology

- Select a specific example of contemporary media that is of special interest to you, e.g. a TV or radio programme, a website, a newspaper or magazine, etc.
- Identify an appropriate research idea, in order to explore aspects of the future development of the media product you have chosen.
- Develop the research idea into related research questions and aims. Justify your choices.
- Undertake relevant literature review in a range of printed and on-line resources.
- Critically analyze your sources in order to formulate an answer to your research questions.
- Evaluate your research outcomes.
- Present and communicate your findings in a written report.

Monday 23 January 2017

Tuesday 17 January 2017

One Pager Conceptual Frame work

Below please find the outline of the One Pager (which is the correct terminology) to help you outline your framework for the dissertation proposal. 
A "one-pager", i.e., a one page (and I mean one page!!!) conceptual framework - you can do this in bullet point format: 
 Who you are, the name of your company and what it does (e.g., we manufacture chocolate and supply to ice cream manufacturers), a brief history - and what you do (your position and area of responsibility 

 The problem - in specific and concise terms (e.g., sales have been decling consistently for the past few years due to increased and aggressive competition - or we do not have a marketing strategy, or; the changing nature of the market in which we operate has impacted directly on our business and we are unsure as to how we should handle things) 

Note: My main concern is understanding the nature and extent of the problem - it is not a lenghty discussion on the history of your organisation, etc, etc. 
 Next you should provide me with an indication as to "how" you intend approaching the problem - i.e., the research objectives and your conceptual ideas and proposal for researching the problem (i.e., my conceptual thinking at this stage is to conduct a survey of .....- using a questionnaire as the research instrument, etc, etc) 

 Finally, tell me what your expected outcome will be - i.e., what you hope to achieve from your dissertation (e.g., I hope to develop a marketing communications model or a marketing strategy that will enable my company to connect more effectively with our customers) 

Once you have submitted your "one-pager" your Internal Examiner will have a reasonable idea as to where you intend going on your journey and he will then either make suggestions / recommendations, etc and only then request that you submit a formal proposal and provide you with guidelines in this regard.

Monday 16 January 2017


 An essay consists of complete sentences that provide information on the
following 5 components.
w it the historical subject you are writing about. Be as specific as
possible. If your essay subject is a person, provide biographical
information about the person to fulfill this component.
WHAT: This component can respond to several kinds of questions,
depending on what you are describing. What happened? What did this
mean? What is significant about this? What is the context? More detail
results in a better grade.
WHEN: Whenever possible provide specific dates that correspond with
the subject. If it applies, provide a date range. Sometimes dates of events
that are connected to an idea will be useful.
WHERE: Provide any geographical information that is important to the
subject. Where did an event take place? Where did a movement start?
Where is a person from? To answer these questions, you might need to
provide more than one location.
WHY: To properly answer this component you must provide why you
think this is important to study and remember this subject. There is no one
correct answer; however, answers must provide analysis. This means I
am asking you to think about what happened and explain your
perspective on it. You may also provide a popular or generally accepted
explanation of why this subject is significant. If you chose to discuss
that, please note if the popular explanations align with the historical
BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. The more time you put into properly
identifying and/or explaining a subject, the more success you will have
with your essays. The length needs to be at minimum of one paragraph
per component (5). All work that you submit will be compared to
websites, student papers, and a variety of other sources to ensure that
your work is original. Cite your sources to avoid plagiarizing. Plagiarism

will not be tolerated.

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